The Antidote to Your Dissatisfaction

Almost everybody experiences that things are not as they should be. That your relationship is not satisfying you, that you’re not successful enough or even that you don’t have the things you want or crave. This...


“The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time.”–Jack London- You are probably unaware that you’re wasting...

Is Your Future Already Destined?

What role does destiny play in your success? Is it all random? Is it all hard work? What is it? What is destiny exactly? More importantly, Your Destiny. Destiny is something we do not have control over,...

The “1 Billion Dollar Habit” Can you guess it?

Imagine this. Imagine you have a thought experiment, where you did this every single day, at your willingness. What if the only thing in your life tomorrow is the thing you would express gratitude...

This Will Transform Your Life Completely. Do This Every day for 66 days.

This article will help you understand how you can change your beliefs and accomplish your goals. It will also help you understand how you can create new habits easily. How can you be consistent long...

4 Things Easy to Do That Will Make You Happier

1. Exercise more –7 minutes might be enough.          You might have seen this  study mentioned in the New York Times. It is an excellent study with excellent data that makes you reconsider not working out....

Can You be Born Without a Soul?

 Understanding what a Soul is, it’s one of the most essential and fundamental tasks on a spiritual path. The Soul is the true nature of who you really are, the immaterial essence and the energy...

7 Ways to Better Listen to Your Intuition

As we spoke before, we have all got that “Gut Feeling” that tells you one thing but your rational mind just says “ no it can’t be “ but in the end, you were...

3 Pieces of Timeless Spiritual Wisdom to Help You Get Through the Day

What are the most loving, wisest and well-rounded people you’ve ever met? They’re likely to be those who have known defeat, misery, and heartbreak of losing someone or something they loved, and have found...

The True Meaning of Love

Romantic relationships can be like a deck of cards. They begin with diamonds and hearts and end with clubs and spades.  Love at first sight, and divorce at first fight.  Ever wonder what makes a relationship...

‘Youthquake’ is the Word of the Year 2017 – Oxford Dictionaries

"Youthquake" has just been crowned as WORD OF THE YEAR 2017 by the renowned Oxford Dictionaries. The blend between "youth" and "earthquake" generated the noun translated into: "a significant cultural, political, or social change arising...

3 Compelling Videos That May Show Us How The Pyramids Were Built

The video below shows how people believe Stonehenge and the pyramids may have been built. This Michigan man uses simple levers and stones to move massive blocks weighing as much as 21,000 pounds. If you...

17 Inspirational and Spiritual Quotes That Will Make Your Life Better IF Understood

  In this article, we’ve selected 17 inspirational and powerful quotes that we thought will brighten your life. They are surely deep and it takes a minute to sink in to fully realize them.   Never forget...

Why I Hate School, But Love Education

As someone who is currently in university as a philosophy student, I can honestly say I love what I am doing in school.  The class discussions are intimate and insightful, the professors are wise...

7 Quick Theories on Life After Death

We all believe in something. Regardless of what we believe in other people will always have a different belief than ours. As we’ve stated many times before.  Your Life, you are the sum of your...

Highly Intuitive People do These 5 things Differently than all the rest of us.

“Even when we’re not at a fork in the road, wondering what to do and trying to hear that inner voice, our intuition is always there, always reading the situation, always trying to steer...

How to Win the Game of Life

The title could also be called “How to evolve the quality of your Consciousness,” but we decided to go with How to win the game of life, as we consider our life...

The Importance of Saying “Sorry”

The three-letter poisonous word which becomes such a challenge to cooperation in any relationship is the big "EGO," and what a colossal Ego we have.  All relationships have problems, all friendships are not perfect, and...

Is Death Real? What is Life?

Life is fundamentally different from dead stuff, right? Or is it? Physicist Erwin Schrodinger defined life this way:     “Living Things avoid decay into disorder and equilibrium” What does this mean? Well, let’s give an example: If your download...

The Most Astounding Fact – Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Astrophysicist Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson was asked by a reader of TIME magazine, “What is the most astounding fact you can share with us about the Universe?” This is his answer. Share and Enjoy

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