This Comic About Love Will Touch Your Heart

This comic about love will touch your heart!   Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. – Lao Tzu
awaken your mind

Talking With The Trees

Through direct experience, I have come to realize that everything is doing what it should be doing. Planet Earth seems to be something like a lower realm. Some would venture to call it one...

Train Your Mind To Attract Positive Vibrations From the Universe

Humans are among the most powerful creatures on the Earth and it is all due to the fact that they have the ability to withdraw energy from the Universe unlike anyone else. Usually, we...

Ex-Bishop Claims Hell Was Invented By Church: Is This True?

Did the church invent the idea of Hell to control people with fear? An ex-bishop named John Spong says so.  He is an ex-bishop of over 30 years who claims who was held a...

11:11 – Something Powerful About This Number

Have you ever noticed how often unexpectedly these numerals show up in your life at the oddest moments and situations?  Is there something we don’t know about the significance of the number 11:11 regarding...

Our Purpose on This Planet

“The Almighty cycles” Biological countdown to departure, Re-learn, Re-live, Recycled. Each piece vital to the whirlpool of consciousness, A divine game of creation over time. Smoke signals blazing in an attempt to free my mind. Unlocking doors reveals our connection...

Top 4 Spiritual Resolutions for 2018

The new year started, and it’s just about that time where people begin making their resolutions again.  Most of these resolutions involve physical health and weight loss, which is great, but very few involve...

3 Best Spiritually Awakening Jim Carrey Videos

Many celebrities have begun to use their fame and fortune to serve humanity, but a special group of them has focused primarily on spiritual awakening and consciousness. Arguably one of the funniest men to ever...

Your Soul Purpose

Occasionally I get asked questions like; "What does Soul Purpose mean exactly" and "Does it actually have any correlation to our Life   Purpose"? Indeed it does. Your Life Purpose is a reflection of how you are...

Developing Our Intuition and Expanding Our Consciousness

    by Michael Pinello   Hello my fellow humans. Have you ever experienced a fork in the road, or a difficult decision and something inside you has pushed you towards a certain path or direction? As we...

Meaning of life – Materialism

We have always been stuck in the puzzle “why do we exist!” The question lies deep in our hearts but we ignore it since we are so busy adjusting ourselves with the norms of...

How To Reprogram Your Subconscious?

You probably heard of subliminal programming, it has been around since the 1950s, and it is still being used all the time in movies, commercials, tv-shows, songs, and even video-games.  Most of this subliminal in...

Reborn Together

By Michael Pinello Throughout time, there has been a multitude of faces behind the idea that we are all one. All these people are scattered along the human timeline providing an important basis for coming...

3 Ways To Deal With Someone With A Big Ego

If you are a human being, chances are you are guilty of having a big ego at times in your life.  For some people, it is this defense system that comes and goes with...

13 Mind-Blowing Facts About Our Dreams

I bet you were not aware about the 13 mind bending facts about dreams, facts you are about to read. Everybody dreams, every human being can dream ( except in the case of extreme psychological...

Different Ways to Start Noticing Signs From the Universe

You should never question the presence of the Universe. If you find yourself cornered and not knowing what to do, feel free to assure yourself that the Universe is always there to guide you...


by Will Lockwood   ॐ"What should we do in the Every Moment of Precious Life."ॐ (1). Have an optimistic and Positive outlook on Life." (2). Make the best use of what you Have." (3). Have ZEST for Life and...

Divine Blessings

by Samantha Ramkomuth Spirituality is accessed within you. Spirituality isn't a stereotype. It cannot be put into a box. It isn't something you be. Spirituality IS you. Spirituality isn't something you need to find outside of you. Jesus...

Quick Guide to Out-of-Body Experiences

According to Frederick Nietzsche, a famous German philosopher, "Either one does not dream, or one does so interestingly. One should learn to spend one's waking life in the same way: not at all, or...

Can We Empathize?

  by Taylor Gonzalez     How does someone describe a word as deep as empathy, ask yourself, can we empathize? Most people when asked, would say its putting yourself in others shoes, or understanding how someone else...

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