The Antidote to Your Dissatisfaction

Almost everybody experiences that things are not as they should be. That your relationship is not satisfying you, that you’re not successful enough or even that you don’t have the things you want or crave. This...

Control Your Own Thoughts. Take Control back. Simple Technique to Attract Success

We are big believers in thought control, you have to understand and start to control your own thoughts. We have to realize that fear thoughts are actually holding us back, it’s what we dwell on.  Don’t...

Get High Without Drugs or Plants, 5 Ways How-To

People loved getting high since the beginning of time, with anything they could get their hands on, booze, peyote, orgasms, shrooms, anything to alter their consciousness and feel amazing.  Now-days we just want to up...

11:11 – Something Powerful About This Number

Have you ever noticed how often unexpectedly these numerals show up in your life at the oddest moments and situations?  Is there something we don’t know about the significance of the number 11:11 regarding...

How to Relax Your Mind in a few Simple Steps-Self-Help & Meditation

Buddhists use the phrase “Monkey Mind” to describe the unrestrained mind.   Meditation is a tool for going within and achieving peace.    Successful meditation demands the ability to quiet the intrusive thoughts.   Use the following steps to control...

Dalai Lama – Life and Mind Transformation

Using the insights of the Dalai Lama to make significant changes in your life, learn, and deeply assimilate the teachings and information's Dalai Lama has to offer us.   Quote 1   "The ultimate source...

Man Awakens After 12 Years in a ‘Vegetative State’, Says “I Was Aware Of...

The story was originally featured on Life News| Martin Pistorious was just 12 years old when the doctors diagnosed him with what they believed was Cryptococci Meningitis, a sever fungal infection of the brain. This news completely devastated...

Video: This Is What An Indigo Child Looks Like In Action

What is the meaning of life? This young boy may have the answers.  Truly wise beyond his years. Share and Enjoy

Loneliness – Are You Lonely?

We’ve all felt lonely. Everybody feels lonely from time to time. When we move to a new country, city, school. When there’s no one to hang around with in the weekend. We’ve all felt loneliness. But...

Train Your Mind To Attract Positive Vibrations From the Universe

Humans are among the most powerful creatures on the Earth and it is all due to the fact that they have the ability to withdraw energy from the Universe unlike anyone else. Usually, we...

Highly Intuitive People do These 5 things Differently than all the rest of us.

“Even when we’re not at a fork in the road, wondering what to do and trying to hear that inner voice, our intuition is always there, always reading the situation, always trying to steer...

Signs Your Consciousness Awakens

1. You are mindfully aware that something far more significant than you is guiding you.   Things are the way they are because something having the intelligence of sheer genius put everything in its place.   Whether you...

3 Ways to Chill Out! Simplify Life

Life itself has complicated enough already, nowadays we also have an abundance of everything, everyone is trying to sell us something and telling us how to live if we don’t meet certain standards we...

Zenarchism: Philosophy of Quantum Chaos

Five Parts: 1. Life. The Absurdity of Existence. 2. Negotiation. We Don’t Negotiate With Nihilism, We Reason With It. 3. Evidence for God. The Paradox that is Nihilism. 4. Knowledge. Consciousness is Nature’s Nightmare. 5. Ethics. Code of Ethics and Honor. Disclaimer: I am a...

8 Unnecessary Attachments Carefree People Don’t Have

Life is about attachments, we attach ourselves to so many things that soon we find out we are not our self anymore, our natural right to freedom becomes nothing more but an illusion. We gather...

3 Pieces of Timeless Spiritual Wisdom to Help You Get Through the Day

What are the most loving, wisest and well-rounded people you’ve ever met? They’re likely to be those who have known defeat, misery, and heartbreak of losing someone or something they loved, and have found...

4 Toxic Behaviors That are Making you Unhappy (and you didn’t realize it)

We all have a common goal, to be Happy. We all deserve to be happy, but most of us are not and we start developing toxic behaviors that we don’t even know we do...

The Life and Journey of Souls

Before we jump into some difficult concepts, we should first be on the same page and explain what we mean when we say “Souls.”  For most of us, the Soul is our spirit, our true...

5 Reasons Why You Have Hit a Plateau in Spiritual Growth

The thing about spirituality is that you never stop growing and learning as a person, there is much to learn, accept, and to inner acknowledge that it's impossible to have an end to it.   Yet ...

Spiritual Ascension Symptoms You Might Feel

As we are experiencing a universal shift in consciousness, we are also experiencing a change within our bodies.   Our bodies are upgrading and increasing their vibration so that they can exist within the new dimension...

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