3 Best Spiritually Awakening Jim Carrey Videos

Many celebrities have begun to use their fame and fortune to serve humanity, but a special group of them has focused primarily on spiritual awakening and consciousness. Arguably one of the funniest men to ever...

4 Toxic Behaviors That are Making you Unhappy (and you didn’t realize it)

We all have a common goal, to be Happy. We all deserve to be happy, but most of us are not and we start developing toxic behaviors that we don’t even know we do...

Spiritual and Psychic Phenomena – Truth or Fiction?

We are sure you have been asking yourself when reading most of our articles – Where is the Science in all of what we are stating? Where is the Science behind our claims?   That is...

Dalai Lama – Life and Mind Transformation

Using the insights of the Dalai Lama to make significant changes in your life, learn, and deeply assimilate the teachings and information's Dalai Lama has to offer us.   Quote 1   "The ultimate source...

How to See Somebody’s Aura?

It is a very cool thing to see someone's Aura, it is a pleasant experience to see something that most people think is nonexistent or invisible.   Science has proven that subtle energies affect us whether...

5 Most Important Signs that you are an Indigo Child!!!

Are you an Old Soul? Do you feel the urge to change things? Change the world? Society? You are likely an indigo child. What is an Indigo Child?  An indigo child also referred to as “Crystal...

Why Fighting In Relationships Is Actually Healthy

We all want to have happy, healthy relationships with people we care about.  But it seems that we have fallen under a false belief thanks to media and culture that fighting in relationships is...

Top 4 Spiritual Resolutions for 2018

The new year started, and it’s just about that time where people begin making their resolutions again.  Most of these resolutions involve physical health and weight loss, which is great, but very few involve...

Do You Have a “High” or “Low Vibration”?

Have you ever heard people saying: “He has a really negative vibe,” “That place had AMAZING energy,” “She’s so energetic.” But haven’t given much thought on it after. We can sense all the energy around...

Create Your Reality In These 3 Steps

Let us briefly touch the process that you have been partaking in for eons – consciously or subconsciously. YOU create your reality, and this has been demonstrated in innumerable ways, scientifically and for me personally;...

7 Ways to Raise Your Vibration

The energy in its essence its vibration. All your thoughts and feelings are energy. Learn how to master and raise those vibrations and watch how your life changes dramatically. 1. Find Beauty and Appreciate it Most...

Motivational and Inspirational Life Lessons

Lesson #1  “My actions are my only true belonging. I cannot escape the consequences of my actions. My actions are the ground on which I stand.”  It is your behavior and actions in this life that...

How To Reprogram Your Subconscious?

You probably heard of subliminal programming, it has been around since the 1950s, and it is still being used all the time in movies, commercials, tv-shows, songs, and even video-games.  Most of this subliminal in...

Learn How to Control Your Conscious Mind

One of the firsts things you learn when you go to a monastery is to learn how the mind works. Because once you learn that, you can control it, and once you can control...

Shia LaBeouf Gives The Weirdest & Most Intense Motivational Speech

If you’re waiting for something to wake you up and inspire you to pursue your dreams, look no further.  This is one of the funniest, weirdest, and most powerful motivational speeches you will ever...

How to Relax Your Mind in a few Simple Steps-Self-Help & Meditation

Buddhists use the phrase “Monkey Mind” to describe the unrestrained mind.   Meditation is a tool for going within and achieving peace.    Successful meditation demands the ability to quiet the intrusive thoughts.   Use the following steps to control...

8 Unnecessary Attachments Carefree People Don’t Have

Life is about attachments, we attach ourselves to so many things that soon we find out we are not our self anymore, our natural right to freedom becomes nothing more but an illusion. We gather...

The Antidote to Your Dissatisfaction

Almost everybody experiences that things are not as they should be. That your relationship is not satisfying you, that you’re not successful enough or even that you don’t have the things you want or crave. This...

Near-Death Experiences and What People said After Coming back to Life Again.

Personally, I haven’t experienced a near-death experience but the people who have and their testimonials after the experience is just mind-bugling There have been efforts from the scientific community to study near-death experiences and to...

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