Mind-Reading Device Can Convert Thoughts Into Words

Neuroscientists have made another important step in “reading” of the human mind, aiming to “listen” and to decipher thoughts through monitoring of the brain waves that correspond to the silent speech or the inner dialogue that is constantly taking place in our minds. The group of researchers, led by Brian Paisley and Robert Knight, professor of psychology and neuroscience of the University of… Continue reading

10 Scientific Studies That Prove Consciousness Can Alter Our Physical World

Nikola Tesla said it best, “the day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence. To understand the true nature of the universe, one must think it terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Swami Vivekananda was… Continue reading

Video: This Is What the Music Would Look Like if We Could See It

What would the music look like if we could see it? Now it is possible thanks to a new scientific “tool” that depicts sound waves in the water. Each note seems to have its own unique fingerprint, a unique ‘signature’.  The most impressive thing is that recent experiments showed that… Continue reading

Is This Proof That The Soul Exists?

Does the soul exist? Is there any scientific theory of consciousness that could accommodate such a claim?  According to Dr. Stuart Hameroff, a near-death experience happens when the quantum information that inhabits the nervous system leaves the body and dissipates into the universe.  Contrary to materialistic accounts of consciousness, Dr.… Continue reading

New Study Reveals How You Can Upgrade Your Genes!

There’s a lot of talk about “DNA activation”, which is usually dismissed as new age mumbo-jumbo with no real scientific basis.  But a new study by researchers in Wisconsin, Spain, and France reports the first evidence of specific molecular changes in the body following a period of mindfulness meditation.  It shows that… Continue reading