5 Gifts You Gain from Embracing Conscious Awareness

Couscous awareness or (Spiritual Awakening) can help us in many different ways, as we become conscious it feels rational and logical at one point to be so, there’s no way back, but we were once different.   Without even realizing that we see people in a different light, caught up in… Continue reading

Signs Your Consciousness Awakens

1. You are mindfully aware that something far more significant than you is guiding you.   Things are the way they are because something having the intelligence of sheer genius put everything in its place.   Whether you call on spirit guides, ancestors or angels, you know you’ve gone more than one… Continue reading

How To Reprogram Your Subconscious?

You probably heard of subliminal programming, it has been around since the 1950s, and it is still being used all the time in movies, commercials, tv-shows, songs, and even video-games.  Most of this subliminal in the media are there to control your subconscious, to re-program it for you to believe… Continue reading

Heart & Brain Respond to Future Events Before They Happen

Yes, you read that correctly, the heart and the brain responding to future events before they happen. It is called “Precognition”. Multiple experiments have been done with strong evidence to show that precognition is real. There are many examples suggesting that precognition is real.  A program called “remove viewing” is… Continue reading

The Origin of Consciousness

Consciousness is one of the biggest riddles in nature. Consciousness to its core is what allows us to be aware of our surroundings and our own inner state. We all understand what consciousness is. Consciousness is happening right now and we’re aware of it, it’s me writing this article, the… Continue reading

5 Mind-Blowing Facts About the Universe

Deep space, Dark matter & Energy, The Sun’s incredible power, Diamond planets & Black holes are just a tiny fraction of the incredible things space has to offer. When we look up into the night sky, we don’t really give it the attention it deserves. We don’t fully grasp the… Continue reading

CONSCIOUSNESS: My Reality Part.1

This is part of my life story; I will go into as many details as possible but most importantly I want to talk about more of my own realization of consciousness and what I actually think and relate to. What you are about to read next is part of me,… Continue reading

166 Free Documentaries That Will Expand Your Consciousness!

Here is a list of over 100 consciousness expanding documentaries that will assist you in your evolution, all of which can watched for free online in the links below. Enjoy! 1. Home (2009) 2. Thrive (2011) 3. Paradise or Oblivion (2012) 4. Love, Reality and the Time of Transition (2011) 5. Earthlings (2005) 6. Everything You Know Is Wrong… Continue reading

New Scientific Theory Explains The Soul And Afterlife

I recently put together an article laying out all of the evidence for the existence of reincarnation, and a scientific study which validates out-of-body experiences.  There is a wide array of data that exists that would be best explained by inferring the existence of a non-physical soul.  A large barrier people often come… Continue reading

Proof That Consciousness Creates Reality: Welcome To The Matrix

Does consciousness create the material world?  Before we answer this question, it’s important to first go into what the material world is actually composed of at a fundamental level.  “Reality” is not simply made of tiny physical pieces, like a bunch of marbles or tiny little bowling balls.  Molecules are… Continue reading