Existence is a Spiritual Experience1 min read

 In order to understand the vast expanses of spiritual realms beyond our empirical senses, one must open oneself to the eternal stream of the universal consciousness.
To be one with the universal consciousness is to become one with a form greater than one’s own self. To be a spiritual person, one must have a spiritual experience. Spirituality is a lot like Music.
To understand Music, one must first experience it. This is the same with Spirituality.
Spirituality and Music are substances that once understood in experience will be found everywhere. As soon as one acknowledges this fact, existence in itself is a spiritual experience.

In every sentient intelligent human’s life that walks upon this planet, this plane of existence.

Therein lies a wonder for a great causation existential experience of nihilistic postmodernism, sacrosanct religiosity, enlightened spirituality, anarchistic socialism, or whatever the heart yearns for in conceptualizing from new experience into our minds giving rise to the collectivizing ideologues or individualistic free spirits.

Whatever our great causation which we will into being to immortalize our legend into infinity. Our great causation comes from curiosity which once our great causation is satisfied that is when ourselves self-actualize.
