Here Is A Timeline Of What Happens To Your Body When You Quit Smoking2 min read


Originally seen on SimpleOrganicLife| If you’re smoking a cigarette right now, I have good news for you: if you don’t ever pick one up again, your body will go through amazing transformations within minutes of finishing your last one.

We all know the negative health effects of smoking cigarettes, but what really hits home is when you look at how your body begins to heal itself right after you stop smoking:

1. 20 minutes after your last cigarette, your blood pressure and pulse will lower and return to normal. The temperature in your hands and feet increase.

2. After 12 hours, the carbon monoxide level in your blood will lower and return to normal. Blood oxygen begins to increase. You’ll feel more alert, sleep better, and be stronger.

3. After 24 hours, your risk of heart attack drops significantly.

4. After 48 hours, nerve endings begin to regrow and your sense of smell and taste will return.

5. After about 3 months, your circulation will improve, walking will be easier, and you’ll cough less. Lung function will be markedly improved.

6. Between 1 and 9 months, you’ll have less sinus congestion, fatigue, and nearly no shortness of breath.

7. After 1 year, your risk of coronary heart disease is half of what it was when you smoked.

8. After 5-15 years, your risk of stroke returns to normal, as if you never smoked at all.

9. At the 10 year mark, your chance of developing smoking-related cancer is about the same as a non-smoker. Diet and smoking contribute to 60% of cancers.

10. After 15 years, your risk of coronary heart disease and heart attack is that of a non-smoker. Your risk of death has dropped to that of a non-smoker.

Money saved

You will also save $1000-$2000 each year when you quit smoking depending on how often you smoke, which over 10 years can add up to as much as an extra $20,000 you will have at your disposal.

Plus all of the money you will save on lighters, matches, medical bills, dental bills, medications, and any other expenses that would come from illness and sickness resulting from a compromised immune system and bodily damage from smoking.

Not to mention, you will add years to your life, and the years you do live will be filled with more energy, life, and vitality.  You will also look better, smell better, feel better about yourself and will have a better influence over people in your life who look up to you.

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Best of luck on quitting! You owe it to yourself and to your amazing body that is working hard to keep you alive.

Source: This article was inspired by an article that was originally seen on SimpleOrganicLife, and was used with permission from the author.
