The Ultimate Anti-Cancer Juice – Prevention Starts HERE!1 min read


Prevention starts HERE! This green juice is the most alkalizing juice around, and cancer can literally not exist is an alkalized environment.  If your body is in an acidic state, you can be sure this juice will bring the body back into a state of balance.  It’s filled with minerals, phytonutrients, antioxidants, and powerful proteins. One a day keeps the doctor away!



– 2-4 Large Cucumbers

– Head of Spinach

– Green Kale

369 Manifestation Code

– Black Dinosaur Kale

– 5-6 Stalks Celery

– Bunch of Romaine

– Watercress

– A FEW Dandelion Leaves (Note: if you do not want this to be bitter, leave out the dandelion leaves)

– Juice of 5-8 Lemons

– Optional: Thumb of Ginger

Thanks to my friend Kristina from Fully Raw for this amazing recipe.

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