3 Best Spiritually Awakening Jim Carrey Videos1 min read

Many celebrities have begun to use their fame and fortune to serve humanity, but a special group of them has focused primarily on spiritual awakening and consciousness.

Arguably one of the funniest men to ever live, Jim Carrey is also one of the most raw, honest, and tasteful representatives of spirituality and New Thought, and he has spent the last 5 years of his life sharing his wisdom with the world.

Most people don’t realize that there was a time where he was extremely depressed and relied on Prozac to get him through his days.  Now, he speaks at conferences and panels about overcoming depression and suffering with spirituality, God, and understanding.

Here are 3 of his best spiritually awakening videos:

1) Jim Carrey speaking about the power of consciousness at the Global Alliance for Transformational Entertainment:

2) Jim Carrey on spirituality, depression, and religion:

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3) Jim Carrey graduating from Maharishi University:

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About Darius Copac

I am 32, passionate about spirituality, metaphysics, science and psychology. Life coach, speaker and Law Of Attraction certified practitioner. Lead writer for Quantum World: Awaken Your Mind, I like to travel the world and I am an activist.
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