Your thoughts are powerful. They aren’t just neurochemical processes contained in your skull. They have a direct, measurable influence over the outside world. We have seen consciousness effect the behaviour of quantum objects, the behaviour of other people, and even the behaviour of electrical currents. We are taught by society that as long as we keep our thoughts inside and don’t act out, that we aren’t harming anyone. This is ignorant of the fact that you have an energy field, your heart has an electromagnetic field, and that your consciousness is connected to all things in existence.
A famous study by Dr. Masura Emoto demonstrates that the energy of our thoughts has a direct effect on the geometric structure of water molecules within ice crystal formations. Our minds can literally influence the geometry if ice crystals while they are in the process of forming. Everybody talks about Dr. Emotos wonderful work, but not much attention is given studies published in peer-reviewed journals that have replicated the experiment.
An experiment was done at the Institute of Noetic Sciences titled “Double-Blind Test of the Effects of Distant Intention on Water Crystal Formation”. The hypothesis that water “treated” with intention can affect ice crystals got serious attention from the scientific community from the results of this experiment when the water was pilot tested under double-blind conditions.
A group of approximately 2,000 people in Tokyo focused positive intentions toward water samples located inside an electromagnetically shielded room in California. That group was unaware of similar water samples set aside in a different location as controls. Ice crystals formed in both sets of water samples, yet only certain kinds of formations were present within the water they were concentrating on. That group was unaware of similar water samples set aside in a different location as controls.
What happened?
Ice crystals formed from both sets of water samples were blindly identified and photographed by an analyst, and the resulting images were blindly assessed for aesthetic appeal by 100 independent judges. In conclusion, the present pilot results are consistent with a number of previous studies suggesting that intention may be able to influence the structure of water. The water that was sent intention produced significant formations, whereas the control water did not have produce any significant formations.
Here is a photo of the effects direct states of conscious intention had on the structure of water:

Consciousness has measurable effects on the geometric structure of water crystals. What does this tell us about the nature of consciousness? Is it possible that water is comprised of the same underlying “thing” as our thoughts are? 60% of the entire human body is water, while 70% of the brain is water. What can these thoughts do to our health?
It is not just Dr. Masuru Emoto who has done this study. As mentioned, it was repeated by Dr. Dean Radin of the Noetic Institute, and his results were published in the peer-reviewed journal Explore:
” Ice crystals formed from both sets of water samples were blindly identified and photographed by an analyst, and the resulting images were blindly assessed for aesthetic appeal by 100 independent judges. Results indicated that crystals from the treated water were given higher scores for aesthetic appeal than those from the control water (P = .001, one-tailed), lending support to the hypothesis”, concluded the team lead by Dr. Radin.
Take care of your thoughts. They have a powerful influence over not only your life, but also the physical world around you. Here is an amazing video on water by my friend Jordan at Spirit Science:
Emoto’s study repeated: http://media.noetic.org/