As we get older, we often feel like our time is running out more quickly than before. Back in the younger days, it seemed like every moment or experience would last forever, and waiting for something to happen seemed like an eternity.
Nowadays, time flies and waits for no man, and even science found it challenging to discover the reason why this happens in the first place.
As a result of poor time management, we often find ourselves out of time, feeling rushed and hurried every day.
As we grow, our lives get busier, more frantic and time is never enough to do it all. But, several studies managed to finally explain how and why time flies as the years go by.
There is one theory that shows that our biological clocks are modified as we are getting older which leads to a faster time lapse. As we get older, our metabolism slows down resulting in a slower heartbeat.
As for children, the concept of time is a totally different case because children grow in a faster and more active lifestyle. This means that their biological clocks are making them feel like the time is passing slower, which is not the case in adults.
Another study proposes that the pace of time can be determined by the information that we have gathered thus far, therefore, the older you are the more information you receive.
When we are younger, we constantly receive new information which makes the time pass slower, which can be connected to the slow motion theory that happens just moments before a major event, including accidents.
One study suggests that as we are getting older, we are getting used to our surroundings, so we don’t pay as much attention to details around us as children do. Children, on the other hand, are more open-minded and they often give their full attention to everything in their environment.
As children learn, they get more excited when it comes to new experiences, so time begins moving faster. Basically, the more aware we are of our surroundings and everyday events, the faster time will go by.
However, as every person goes through the exact same thing, there is no need to panic or get overwhelmed that you are wasting or losing time without a purpose.
Another connection to this revelation is the dopamine level in your body. Dopamine makes time go faster and after a person turns 20, the level of dopamine begins to significantly drop, causing time to move faster.
If you think about it, a two-year-old would visualize one year as half of their lives. This is an interesting aspect to consider, especially if know that for adults, one year is basically a standard timeframe.
That is also why adults are keen on using phrases such as “Like it happened yesterday” meaning a year of their lives is not a significant timeframe as it is for toddlers.
None of these theories mathematically and logically explains the increase of the time rate and speed. If some of these conclusions are true, it seems that we need to try and pay attention to the smallest details of our surroundings.
This way we can consume more time and get organized enough to feel like accomplished and successful time managers. Start to comprehend your goals as you might find yourself with less time than needed.
Hopefully, this analysis will serve as a motivation to start paying attention to the world surrounding you, instead of wasting day after day without enjoying the small things.
Life is, indeed, short, so don’t wait until tomorrow, as you never know what it may bring!
Live it up!