Artist Recreates Zodiac Signs As Vicious Monsters

Damon Hellandbrand is a super talented US-based digital artist who decided to take on project of transforming all of the zodiac signs into 3D vicious monsters, some of which almost look demonic.  These breathtaking images...

Would You Live In A Pyramid?

This extraordinary pyramid house concept has been designed by Juan Carlos Ramos, an architect from Michoacan, Mexico. He has been working with architectural visualization for the last 10 years and has been involved  in...

209 Seconds of Mind-Blowing. This Will Make You Question Your Entire Existence

 This short video will blow your mind, it will make you question your existence on this earth and how significant we really are, if we are any significant. Take a moment to relax and fully...

Secret Behind the Last Words of a Dying Man

This is a fascinating story with high morale and something we can all learn from. We love life lessons; we love to grow as a person, to connect and communicate. I hope we all...

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