Awaken Your Mind – Law of Attraction Secrets Explained17 min read


Manifestation Hero claims that with the right knowledge, you can walk into any house you want and buy it and that you can quit your day job, along with other bold promises like that. Ever since the secret came out, I’ve seen bold promises like that that don’t really amount to anything for people who believe them. But, Manifestation Hero is a popular course, and it continues to be something that people are talking about and taking part in. That’s why I had to buy the course for myself and do a Manifestation Hero review. If it can help you get the life of your dreams like promised, why wouldn’t you want to try it out?

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The Manifestation Hero was created by Darius Thomas, who is an energy coach and life consultant, and an expert on energy flow. The program itself is valid and on point, and I think anyone who wants to start attracting more into their life will benefit from it.

As a side note – when you buy, you will be asked if you are female or male. You will find that in the pre-recorded affirmations, as well as the bonuses, your gender will come into play, so make sure you answer honestly.

How Manifestation Hero Works

369 Manifestation Code

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This is a course that contains various elements that work together to help you speak the language the universe speaks – or, in other words, get in a vibrational match with the universe so that you can attract what you want in life. Your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs will all shift as you go through the Manifestation Hero course, and you will find yourself happier, having more success, and attracting more of what you want into your life.

There is a lot of information, video, and audio in Manifestation Hero. I was over-the-top impressed with how much you get for the price they had it on when I bought it and still have it on during this Manifestation Hero review. And, you can download everything in the course to your computer. All informational downloads are in PDF format, all audios are in MP3 format, and all videos are in MP4 format.

Basically it is a step-by-step blueprint that helps you figure out exactly what you need to do to manifest what you want in your life, and it helps you experience abundance. All aspects of the program work together to help you raise your energetic vibration.

Darius Thomas calls this mind over matter. The program helps to raise your energetic set point for you. It helps you speak to the forces of the universe. This may sound silly if you are new to the law of attraction and manifesting, but this is why some people can manifest awesome things into their lives easily while others struggle with getting somewhere better.

When you have the right vibration, you can manifest easier, and some people are just naturally in tune with that perfect vibration. The rest of us struggle to get ourselves into that energetic frequency that allows us to do what we need to do, see what opportunities there are out there, and manifest the things we want most in life. Manifestation Hero is like a law of attraction hack to get the universe to listen to you and work for you better.

What Do You Get With Manifestation Hero?

Like I said, I was surprised at how much you get. But, they are there for a reason. All of the components of Manifestation Hero complement each other. They are all meant to raise your vibration, so make sure you take advantage of each aspect of the program if you buy it.

1. Manifestation Hero Manual

This is a huge eBook at 162 pages. You can print it off, but it is quite big. It would be better to save it to your computer and read directly from there.

There are 5 parts to this manual.

Part 1 – You Are Destined for Success: here you will learn about the secret ingredient to making the law of attraction work for you – destiny tuning. There is an exercise called ‘heartstorming’ that is meant to help you connect with your true passions and interests. It’s a simple exercise that will leave you wanting to do more things that you enjoy on your terms. There is also an exercise that helps you choose new feelings to help you feel good consciously when you are feeling less than good. There is also a section in this book that talks about how you are what you think, feel, see, and vibrate – which is such good information (that a lot of people don’t understand) for making the law of attraction work for you. And that’s just in the first two chapters! There are 3 more chapters in this section of Manifestation Hero that help you get on your own path, tune into your intuitive power, develop your intuition and more.

Part 2 – Getting in Tune with Your Personal Destiny: Here you will get more connected to your soul through information, an exercise, and a meditation. You also figure out what you are all about, what makes you happy, and take a self-assessment exercise. You will do an exercise called The Burning Bowl where you clear negative thoughts from your mind. You will learn why too much stuff affects your emotional and spiritual space. You will learn why you should find a mentor in life. And, you will learn why and how to fall in love with someone special – YOU. There’s MUCH more in this section, but just know that this is stuff you probably already know you need to do if you are reading this Manifestation Hero review. If you are not clear on this stuff, then it’s like a piece is missing because you are not clear on your personal destiny, and you will feel that on some level.

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Part 3: Raising the Roof with your Energetic Vibrations: Learn about how your feelings and your destiny go hand in hand. You will want to get more in tune with your feelings when you understand this information. When it comes to the law of attraction, you create what you feel, and this information can help you speed up your manifestation process big time. This part includes an exercise to help you gain awareness around your feelings. You will also learn more about affirmations and how they play a huge part in your attraction efforts (there are done-for-you affirmation mindtracks included with your purchase). In this section, you will also learn things like why and how to make a vision board and why gratitude is so important to your manifestation.

Part 4: The Happiness Factor: Do you really need a reason to be happy? If you do, this part will give you one! Learn why success doesn’t bring happiness and what you need to do starting right now. Do an exercise on how to find your happy place. Learn where happiness really lives, how to find it in your life, and do an exercise where you step outside of your comfort zone (where all that good stuff you want is). There’s much more to this part on happiness, and by the end of it, I had a whole new awareness of my happiness and, of course, I felt pretty happy with all my new information and tools for happiness.

Part 5: The Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow: This is where the Manifestation Hero starts to happen in your life. There is one little tip in this part that changed my life forever. It is a new perception on how to make life easier and happier, and how to manifest what I want faster and more powerfully than ever before.

2. I’m Worthy of Abundance Success Workbook

This is a 21-day workbook to help get you even more in tune with the vibration of the universe and manifest what you want into your life. This workbook has one ‘focus task’ that lasts for one week in total, and four shorter focused exercises to complete every day. There is no set time to do these tasks, so don’t worry about making time in your schedule, just find time in your schedule.

The daily exercises help you develop the habits that will get you in tune with your destiny, which is why you do them daily – that’s the key to building new, positive habits. Don’t worry; these habits are so easy, fun, and rewarding that you will WANT to do them daily. I know I did! For instance, one of them is a self-nurturance activity. Most of us don’t take the time to do anything for ourselves. There are a ton of choices to choose from, so everyone will find an activity that works for them and makes them feel nurtured in some way.

The weekly exercises are just as fun, and they help you get on track to manifesting more of what you want in your life. This workbook goes through 21 days and gives you instructions on what to do each day as well as leaves you room to write and reflect.

3. Manifestation Hero Audio Edition

If you don’t like reading, or if you are going to be traveling and would rather listen to the Manifestation Hero manual, then you can do that. Everything in the manual has been put into an audio version. You can download the files to your favorite listening device, or you can listen on your computer, or you can just listen by clicking on the link in your membership area.

This audio edition is done by a woman. I’m not sure if it is Darius Thomas reading, but the guy is clear and easy to listen to.

4. Chapter Recap Videos

This is such a good part of the program, and I’m glad they included this. This basically takes you through what you learned in the chapter and discusses it to help you make the most out of the information. It’s like sitting down and listening to a friend’s thoughts after you read something and just want to talk about it. Each video is around 15 minutes long each, give or take a few minutes, and you can live-stream these videos or download them to your computer.

5. Abundant Wealth MindTrack

This is a positive affirmation track that is just under 5 minutes long. There is the sound of rain in the background, and while it is not entirely relaxing, it is hypnotic. This is the audio track that you will listen to in your daily exercise for the 21-days. It has powerful messages to help you attract more wealth and abundance into your life – you can actually feel the attraction strengthening as you look around at the opportunities and structure of your day. You have to do it to understand what I mean, but trust me, you will understand what I mean after you’ve listened to this track for even a few days.

Bonuses With Manifestation Hero

As of this Manifestation Hero review, there are a few bonuses. These complement the program and help you boost your results of raising your vibrational frequency.

1. Love and Happiness Mindtrack

This mindtrack is just over 5 minutes, and it has positive affirmations for love and happiness. You can use this mindtrack after your 21 days in the program, or you can use it in conjunction with the program. They are just positive affirmations that help you shift the way you think about yourself and your life.

2. Guide For Health

This is a 15-page guide that discusses how the mind and body and closely linked and how you can manifest health and wellness. It also includes some exercises to help you improve your health.

3. Reboot Your Metabolism

This is a 37-page eBook that is exactly what you think it would be! It talks about how your metabolism works, what foods you should be eating, how much you should be eating, and other stuff that is good for your metabolism.

4. Success MindTrack Series

Do you want success in weight loss, romance, love, abundance, health and vitality, or wealth? There’s a mindtrack for each of them! Just like the abundant and love and happiness tracks, these are only a few minutes long each and can be used daily to affirm new things to yourself and shift the way you think and feel about yourself and your life.

5. The Money MindFlood System

You’ll need some time to listen to this video. It’s 150 minutes long, and it is Mark Ling talking about how to have a millionaire mindset. If you don’t know Mark Ling, he is a brilliant entrepreneur who is making a ton of money doing good things for other people in this world. He’s likable, smart, and having the kind of success that we wall want to have. If anyone can help you develop a millionaire mindset, it’s him.

What I Like About Manifestation Hero

1. Builds A Solid Foundation And Then Builds Upon That

The Manifestation Hero covers everything you need to know about boosting your vibrational energy and moving into a space where you are able to see what you want to attract into your life as well as attract that stuff into your life. And, it has both a written and an audio way to do that. This is stuff I’ve seen separately in different law of attraction programs, and some stuff that I haven’t seen at all, and it is put together in a logical order to build a foundation in your life and build upon it.

2. A Fun 21-Day Workbook That Helps You Stay Committed

I also love the workbook that is included. Print it off, because you will use it daily and you will want to bring it with you if you have to go somewhere for a day. You can write down notes and thoughts as you go along, and it helps you get clear about what you are learning and who you want to become.

3. Chapter Discussions

I think the chapter recap videos are very smart. It just helps drive the information home a little more, and when you are dealing with life-changing information, that’s exactly what you want. You want to get really clear on why this information is so important and how it can impact your life.

4. The Member’s Area

Everything in this program is in a member’s area. It’s the Manifestation Hero Member’s area, and you have all the information you need from this place. You can access what you bought and get help if you need it. There are some extra offers available after you buy Manifestation Hero, and if you buy any of them (I bought every single one of them – see below), they are also put into your member’s area.

5. The Money-Back-Guarantee

There is a 60-day money-back-guarantee in place. This gives you peace of mind, knowing that you can try out everything in the program, work through the entire 21-day workbook, and then decide if the course was worth your money or not. If you don’t feel it was, for any reason, you can email them and get a 100% refund.

Who Will Benefit From Manifestation Hero?

This is a course that anyone can take. It doesn’t matter how much or how little you attract into your life. It doesn’t matter where you are in your life right now. It doesn’t matter how much you believe in the law of attraction. The information inside is meant to help you see a new way of living and perceiving life, and the actionable exercises help you put that information into place. If you are willing to commit to 21 days of doing the work, then you will see changes in your life – guaranteed.

The exercises are fun and don’t take up a lot of time, but you do have to dedicate some time to doing them. Moreover, the extras, such as the videos and eBooks, will take time to read. So, you will need to devote some time to the course to get the most out of it.

A Fair Warning About Manifestation Hero

You already know there is a 21-day workbook, so you have to know that you are not going to manifest everything you want tomorrow. That’s part of what makes this course so credible. It clearly helps you to raise your vibrational energy and get into a place where you are more connected to the universe and everything that you want to attract.

Change doesn’t happen overnight. Your habits influence what happens to you tomorrow. Your thoughts influence what you will and will not do to get what you want. Your beliefs influence your awareness and your ability to see the opportunities that can help you get what you want. Therefore, you have to work on changing your habits, thoughts, and beliefs in order to get in a vibrational state where you can clearly see what you want and attract it to you.

The Extra Sales After Buying Manifestation Hero

I want to let you know that once you buy Manifestation Hero, they offer you other things at a discounted price. I told you that I bought them all, and I did! I was in one of those moods where everything looked good to me, and I’m glad I was. All of those extras are in your member’s area if you choose to buy them, but there is NO obligation to buy them. You can just buy the Manifestation Hero and say no to the rest if you want.

The extra sales include an accelerated manifestation system, incredible life success audio sessions, mindset upgrade formula, an eBook on what the opposite sex really wants, and 7 incredible reports on things like aging, psychic abilities, tarot cards, numerology, and becoming a millionaire. I can honestly say that after buying all of those things, you are not only permanently set when it comes to the law of attraction and manifesting, but you are totally set when it comes to self-improvement.

Should You Buy Manifestation Hero?

The law of attraction and manifesting are obviously things we are all interested in and want to make work for us. This program is a tool to help you make both of those things work for you. It’s not some magical program that promises you things are going to pop out of nowhere into your existence. It’s a tool that helps you change your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and ultimately your vibrational state, and helps you become the person who can easily attract what you want into your life.

All those things that help you become more aware and abundant in life, such as positive affirmations, gratitude, good habits, self-love, and intuition, are all covered in the Manifestation Hero. You will be fine tuning yourself into someone who does the things that help you feel happier and more capable, and, thus, you will move you to a higher vibrational state where you have more ability and opportunities to attract what you want.

If you don’t fully understand what I’m saying, that’s alright. This program is meant to help you not only understand how to become more capable of attracting what you want but, also, turn you into someone who is capable of getting what you want. In short, if you want to attract more health, wealth, freedom, love, happiness, and overall abundance into your life, and understand exactly why you are doing it, then I highly recommend checking out Manifestation Hero.

Here is the link to Manifestation Hero course:

Namaste and let me know how it goes for you <3
