7 Quick Theories on Life After Death

We all believe in something. Regardless of what we believe in other people will always have a different belief than ours. As we’ve stated many times before.  Your Life, you are the sum of your experiences, where you grew up, everything that happened to you so far made you the… Continue reading

Most Common Regrets of Dying People

What are the top 5 regrets of the dying people? We can finally find out as a palliative nurse recorded the most common regrets of people who haven’t much time left to live and put her findings into her book called “The top 5 regrets of the dying”.  Below is… Continue reading

Near-Death Experiences and What People said After Coming back to Life Again.

Personally, I haven’t experienced a near-death experience but the people who have and their testimonials after the experience is just mind-bugling There have been efforts from the scientific community to study near-death experiences and to determine what exactly might be going on during them. There has even been a scale… Continue reading