Do Healing Crystals Really Work?

This is what Crystal Healing looks like.   Today’s idea of self-care is Instagram able, aesthetically pleasing, and often involves placing crystals all-over your body.   Some people say that these crystals are aligning your chakras and balancing your energy.   For people all across social media, and the world, crystal healing is… Continue reading

Throat Chakra Healing

Throat Chakra is known for the seed of self-expression, of being yourself, of being natural. But sometimes it needs healing.  It sits on the throat, neck, and shoulder area, and it’s the fifth chakra going up.  If you’ve been the kind of person who speaks his truth, speaks his mind,… Continue reading

3 Ways to Chill Out! Simplify Life

Life itself has complicated enough already, nowadays we also have an abundance of everything, everyone is trying to sell us something and telling us how to live if we don’t meet certain standards we are not doing it right… right?  I’m trying to make life easier using simple steps, often… Continue reading

Talking With The Trees

awaken your mind

Through direct experience, I have come to realize that everything is doing what it should be doing. Planet Earth seems to be something like a lower realm. Some would venture to call it one of the Hell realms. I say this because there is a LOT of horrible things that… Continue reading