Darius Copac

I am 32, passionate about spirituality, metaphysics, science and psychology. Life coach, speaker and Law Of Attraction certified practitioner. Lead writer for Quantum World: Awaken Your Mind, I like to travel the world and I am an activist.
Researchers of the SETI project calculated the date when humanity will encounter alien intelligence will be 2040, based on data received from the space telescope Kepler. Seth Shostak, chief astronomer of the SETI project engaged in the search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, stated that probably by 2040 electromagnetic signals of alien origin will be detected, writes Space.com. “I think we’ll find E.T. within two dozen years using...
Our brains are by far our most important organs.  Here are 10 of the most surprising things our brains do and what we can learn from them: 1. Your brain does creative work better when you’re tired. Here’s how it breaks down: If you’re a morning lark, say, you’ll want to favor those morning hours when you’re feeling fresher to get your most demanding,...
Source: Daily Mail Divers in Sweden have recently discovered a rare collection of Stone Age artefacts buried deep beneath the Baltic Sea. Archaeologists believe the relics were left by Swedish nomads 11,000 years ago and the discovery may be evidence of one of the oldest settlements ever found in the Nordic region. Some of the relics are so well preserved, reports have dubbed...
Scientists at the University of Sheffield and the University of Buckingham claim to have made a fascinating discovery, which proves the existence of extraterrestrial life. The above images are of a body that was found in the stratosphere, recorded with an electron microscope. The body was found by a scientific balloon at an altitude of 27 kilometers from the Earth’s surface and this, according to...
The fascinating and recent discovery of a new, second DNA code last week further lends credence to what metaphysical scientists have been saying for millennia — the body speaks two different languages. Since the genetic code was deciphered in the 1960s, researchers have assumed that it was used exclusively to write information about proteins. But biologists have suspected for years that...
Binaural Beats are the products of two different sounds in harmony; they produce sounds that are only heard by the brain. The effect of this can be quite calming, relaxing and meditative. There are many different types of binaural beats that can suit your specific mood and also help with various ailments. Many people have said that if you are someone...
Did you know that planets and stars actually give off music?  Although space is a virtual vacuum, this does not mean there is no sound in space.  Sounds still exists in the form of electromagnetic vibrations and can be detected using specially designed instruments developed by NASA. These amazing ambient space sounds come from electronic vibrations of the planets, moons...
Neuroscientists have made another important step in “reading” of the human mind, aiming to “listen” and to decipher thoughts through monitoring of the brain waves that correspond to the silent speech or the inner dialogue that is constantly taking place in our minds. The group of researchers, led by Brian Paisley and Robert Knight, professor of psychology and neuroscience of the University of California-Berkeley, has managed to “translate” the electrical brain waves into words. Scientists hope that...
Nikola Tesla said it best, “the day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence. To understand the true nature of the universe, one must think it terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Swami Vivekananda was Tesla’s mentor, an Indian Hindu monk and chief disciple of...
What would the music look like if we could see it? Now it is possible thanks to a new scientific “tool” that depicts sound waves in the water. Each note seems to have its own unique fingerprint, a unique ‘signature’.  The most impressive thing is that recent experiments showed that dolphins are able to recognize words based on these “signatures”...
One day Rose-Lynn Fisher wondered if her tears of grief would look different compared to her tears of joy, so she began to explore them up close under a microscope. She studied 100 different tears and found that basal tears (the ones that our body produces to lubricate our eyes) are drastically different from the tears that happen when we...
Does the soul exist? Is there any scientific theory of consciousness that could accommodate such a claim?  According to Dr. Stuart Hameroff, a near-death experience happens when the quantum information that inhabits the nervous system leaves the body and dissipates into the universe.  Contrary to materialistic accounts of consciousness, Dr. Hameroff offers an alternative explanation of consciousness that can...
There’s a lot of talk about “DNA activation”, which is usually dismissed as new age mumbo-jumbo with no real scientific basis.  But a new study by researchers in Wisconsin, Spain, and France reports the first evidence of specific molecular changes in the body following a period of mindfulness meditation.  It shows that you can actually switch on certain genes while meditating,...
I recently put together an article laying out all of the evidence for the existence of reincarnation, and a scientific study which validates out-of-body experiences.  There is a wide array of data that exists that would be best explained by inferring the existence of a non-physical soul.  A large barrier people often come up against is trying to understand how the soul...
Does consciousness create the material world?  Before we answer this question, it’s important to first go into what the material world is actually composed of at a fundamental level.  “Reality” is not simply made of tiny physical pieces, like a bunch of marbles or tiny little bowling balls.  Molecules are made out of atoms, and atoms are made out...
It’s important to first note that decalcifying the pineal gland is not only for people who want to tune their spiritual antenna and refine their third eye, it is also for people who just want to take simple care of their bodies. The pineal gland is a tiny pea-shaped gland located in the geometric centre of the brain that has the following health functions: ...
Photos originally seen on Seenox| Reincarnation is an ancient doctrine which says that we will continue to keep incarnating into a new body until we reach enlightenment and no longer need to learn anything here.  If our live ends prematurely or we didn’t accomplish what we came here to do, we will come back again until we get it right. It’s important...
Here is the story of the day.  This is sickening, and is a perfect example of how ass-backwards the justice system is.  A mother of two is facing jail time for seeking out life saving cannabis oil to treat her son’s horrifying seizures. After her son Trey was hit in the head with a baseball at the age of 12,...
Meet Bernardo LaPallo.  He is 110 years old with the body of an 80 year old.  He has never been sick a day in his life, avoids red meats, and eats mostly organic fruits and vegetables.  He has a recipe for longevity that he learned from his father, who was a doctor who lived to be 98.  In this...
In this heart-touching video, a little boy by the name of Luiz Antonio refused to eat the octopus meat his mother prepared for him.  The reasons he gives for refusing to eat meat will completely change the way you look at animals. Share and Enjoy

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