Get High Without Drugs or Plants, 5 Ways How-To

People loved getting high since the beginning of time, with anything they could get their hands on, booze, peyote, orgasms, shrooms, anything to alter their consciousness and feel amazing.  Now-days we just want to up...

How to Relax Your Mind in a few Simple Steps-Self-Help & Meditation

Buddhists use the phrase “Monkey Mind” to describe the unrestrained mind.   Meditation is a tool for going within and achieving peace.    Successful meditation demands the ability to quiet the intrusive thoughts.   Use the following steps to control...

How to Discover Your Spirit Animal?

You might have wondered or heard about your spirit animal, perhaps you didn’t know you can discover it yet. But you can inner discover your spirit animal, you need to do what most people don’t...

3 Pieces of Timeless Spiritual Wisdom to Help You Get Through the Day

What are the most loving, wisest and well-rounded people you’ve ever met? They’re likely to be those who have known defeat, misery, and heartbreak of losing someone or something they loved, and have found...

5 Signs You Have Found Your Soul Mate

Are you with your soul mate? Whether you’ve found your soul mate or not, please realize that every person you interact with here on Earth is here to teach you something.  So no matter...

How to Win the Game of Life

The title could also be called “How to evolve the quality of your Consciousness,” but we decided to go with How to win the game of life, as we consider our life...

Study Finds Marijuana Increases Your IQ

Originally seen on Cannabis Culture| A study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, examined whether marijuana lowered intelligence levels in users. The study was largely ignored by US media, while within Canada, the results seemed to...

Signs Your Consciousness Awakens

1. You are mindfully aware that something far more significant than you is guiding you.   Things are the way they are because something having the intelligence of sheer genius put everything in its place.   Whether you...

How To Reprogram Your Subconscious?

You probably heard of subliminal programming, it has been around since the 1950s, and it is still being used all the time in movies, commercials, tv-shows, songs, and even video-games.  Most of this subliminal in...

15 Major Realizations We All Have As We Wake Up

If you are reading this, then you are constantly & continually going through a state of becoming more conscious, or as we like to say, Waking Up. This means you are becoming more conscious of...

11:11 – Something Powerful About This Number

Have you ever noticed how often unexpectedly these numerals show up in your life at the oddest moments and situations?  Is there something we don’t know about the significance of the number 11:11 regarding...

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