Do Healing Crystals Really Work?

This is what Crystal Healing looks like.   Today’s idea of self-care is Instagram able, aesthetically pleasing, and often involves placing crystals all-over your body.   Some people say that these crystals are aligning your chakras and balancing your energy.   For people all across social media, and the world, crystal healing is… Continue reading

Throat Chakra Healing

Throat Chakra is known for the seed of self-expression, of being yourself, of being natural. But sometimes it needs healing.  It sits on the throat, neck, and shoulder area, and it’s the fifth chakra going up.  If you’ve been the kind of person who speaks his truth, speaks his mind,… Continue reading

Motivational and Inspirational Life Lessons

Lesson #1  “My actions are my only true belonging. I cannot escape the consequences of my actions. My actions are the ground on which I stand.”  It is your behavior and actions in this life that are serving as the foundation of our lives in the present moment.  Every action… Continue reading

5 Life-Changing Things That Will Make Your Life Better and Happier

I love to be happy, and I can’t think of anyone who doesn’t want to be happy or wouldn’t like to be. So, I’ve been looking, how can we be really happy? What makes us feel that peaceful emotion that makes us happy? I have found 5 things that would… Continue reading


“The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time.”–Jack London- You are probably unaware that you’re wasting your time, it can go on and on without knowing until one day you suddenly… Continue reading

Learn How to Control Your Conscious Mind

One of the firsts things you learn when you go to a monastery is to learn how the mind works. Because once you learn that, you can control it, and once you can control your mind you can FOCUS. You cannot focus or concentrate on something you don’t understand. That’s… Continue reading

Mystical Experience and 6 Characteristics of it

Mystical experience is something we all experience differently and at different intensity’s It’s something most people can no describe in words the beauty of it, but it’s the moment when you make a connection with the universe and feel that life is full of beauty and sacredness. In ancient time… Continue reading

10 Steps to Enlightenment

Are you trying to attain a higher state of mind? Are you searching for the secret that unlocks the best you there is to be? If so, here are 10 steps that will help you on your journey towards self realization. 1.) Realize you are not your thoughts. Are you… Continue reading

Talking With The Trees

awaken your mind

Through direct experience, I have come to realize that everything is doing what it should be doing. Planet Earth seems to be something like a lower realm. Some would venture to call it one of the Hell realms. I say this because there is a LOT of horrible things that… Continue reading

Parallel Universes and how to change reality

Mainstream science is now recognizing the existence of parallel realities. We can change realities by shifting our intention to the reality that we want to live in. If we want to live happy, healthy, and prosperous, we need to focus on that reality. Continue reading


HOW THE SUBTLE SOUNDS OF MANTRAS HELP TO NATURALLY HEAL? “Using Subtle Sound (Frequency, Vibration & Energies ) of Divine MANTRAS to Heal Naturally our body , mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche ) & Surrounding.” “In Prayer, Japa, Sadhan, Yoga or Meditation , Subtle Sound is used to vitalize… Continue reading