Young Couple Gets Elderly Makeover To See What They Will Look Like At 100 Years Old1 min read


What if you could see you and your partner 30, 50, or 80 years from now?  Before recently, you could only imagine what you would look like with them after spending a lifetime together.  But now, with the help of state-of-the-art makeup, we have the ability to replicate the aging process in just a matter of minutes.

Kristie and Tavis have been together for 8 years and are about to get married next month.  Being in their late 20s, they thought it would be fun to get an elderly makeover right before saying their vows. They were artificially aged using cosmetics and wigs to see what they would look like together in their 50s, their 70s, and their 90s.

In their 20s, before the makeover

In their 50s

In their 70s

In their 90s

369 Manifestation Code

I won’t spoil the ending, but let’s just say it turned out to be an emotional journey of wonder, imagination, and possibility.  Here is the full video of their transformation:

This video really makes you appreciate the people you have around you in your life.  Time flies by so fast, and when you are in your 90s, the only thing that is going to matter to you is the people you have in your life and the memories you had with them.

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