Memories Travel Through DNA – How and Why?

One of the most controversial but fascinating fields of research is the notion that you can inherit memories from your ancestors without having to live them. I'm talking about Genetic memories. Some psychologists theorised that we...

Swedish Divers Discover A “Stone Age Atlantis”: 11,000 Year Old Ancient Settlement Under The...

Source: Daily Mail Divers in Sweden have recently discovered a rare collection of Stone Age artefacts buried deep beneath the Baltic Sea. Archaeologists believe the relics were left by Swedish nomads 11,000 years ago and the discovery...

Mind-Reading Device Can Convert Thoughts Into Words

Neuroscientists have made another important step in “reading” of the human mind, aiming to “listen” and to decipher thoughts through monitoring of the brain waves that correspond to the silent speech or the inner dialogue that is constantly taking place in our...

Why Steve Jobs Didn’t Let His Kids Use Ipads, And Why You Shouldn’t Either

If you fall within the Gen-Y era like us, chances are you’ve given a bunch of thought as to how you would raise your own children in this day and age (assuming you don’t...

166 Free Documentaries That Will Expand Your Consciousness!

Here is a list of over 100 consciousness expanding documentaries that will assist you in your evolution, all of which can watched for free online in the links below. Enjoy! 1. Home (2009) 2. Thrive (2011) 3. Paradise or Oblivion (2012) 4. Love,...

New Study Reveals How You Can Upgrade Your Genes!

There’s a lot of talk about “DNA activation”, which is usually dismissed as new age mumbo-jumbo with no real scientific basis.  But a new study by researchers in Wisconsin, Spain, and France reports the first...

Zenarchism: Is Reality Real

In as little words as my my mind can currently conceive the nature of our existence: Each subjective and objective idea is but a metaphorical framework of the infinite potential of whatever it may...

4 Ways To Amplify Love In Your Life

Written by my friend Amateo Ra| Life is meant to be lived. And I mean lived fully, not just brushing against the edges of mediocrity. In many ways, as we go about our lives,...

Lyrids Meteor Shower 2018 Peaks Tonight – Where and how to see

For every meteor lover out there, it has been a long time without a sky show, precisely 16 weeks. Here comes the good news, there is finally an opening tonight, as the Lyrids Meteor Shower...

Our Hologram Universe is Very Real, New Study Suggests

Oh, the never-ending topic of holograms! Although this has been a discussion point among many experts, it looks as though new study-based evidence can clearly confirm that we, indeed, live in a hologram-like universe. The physical...

Zenarchism: Quantum Chaos Theory

Zenarchism: Quantum Chaos Theory Quantum Hypothesis: Chaos Theory, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Chaos Theory; The Human Problem of the Existential Equation solved by the Divine Solution. Zenarchism: Zenarchist Quantum Chaos Theory in application to create the ideal self and...

New Scientific Theory Explains The Soul And Afterlife

I recently put together an article laying out all of the evidence for the existence of reincarnation, and a scientific study which validates out-of-body experiences.  There is a wide array of data that exists that would be...

Scientists Find Fractal Patterns & Golden Ratio Pulses in Stars

A recent article in Scientific American has reported the discovery that fractal patterns and the golden ratio have been discovered in outer space for the very first time. Researchers from the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa have...

Video: Sounds Of The Cosmos – The Music Of Planets And Stars

Did you know that planets and stars actually give off music?  Although space is a virtual vacuum, this does not mean there is no sound in space.  Sounds still exists in the form of...

Geminids Meteor Shower 2017 – Where, When And How To Enjoy It

One of the greatest sky shows in our solar system is happening tonight, over Earth. The Geminid meteor shower can be seen from December 4–16 The Geminids meteor shower will be visible from Earth over the night. If...

Science: What Your Eye Color Reveals About You

The eye is your window to the universe.  We all come into this world with these super intricate biological cameras in our head which somehow translate photons of light into a 3-dimensional image in...

World’s First Amethyst Crystal Hotel Being Built in China

Crystals & Geodes are one of nature’s most exquisite creations, and are now set to to be modeled as the inspiration of a new stunning hotel in China. The unique organic design is truly...

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