Zenarchism: Philosophy of Quantum Chaos

Five Parts: 1. Life. The Absurdity of Existence. 2. Negotiation. We Don’t Negotiate With Nihilism, We Reason With It. 3. Evidence for God. The Paradox that is Nihilism. 4. Knowledge. Consciousness is Nature’s Nightmare. 5. Ethics. Code of Ethics and Honor. Disclaimer: I am a...

5 Mind-Blowing Facts About the Universe

Deep space, Dark matter & Energy, The Sun's incredible power, Diamond planets & Black holes are just a tiny fraction of the incredible things space has to offer. When we look up into the night...

Holy Man Claims He Has Not Eaten Or Drank Anything In 70 Years!

What is the longest you have gone without a piece of food or a glass of water?  A holy man in India claims that he has not eaten or drank anything for 70 years! Prahlad...

Japanese Reveal Design For First Underwater City. This Is Breathtaking.

Roughly 70% of the surface is covered by water.  It only makes sense to try to inhabit some of that area, especially with the world’s population expecting to reach 9.6 billion by the year...

Why Meditating Is Better Than Taking Pills

Finding peace and stillness within yourself is CRUCIAL to your body’s health. 90% of all diseases and illnesses are either caused or aggravated by stress, and meditation is a great way to restore balance...

CONSCIOUSNESS: My Reality Part.1

This is part of my life story; I will go into as many details as possible but most importantly I want to talk about more of my own realization of consciousness and what I...

NEOWISE Comet – Once in a lifetime view

What, when, where and how to spot it. The experience of watching a comet can be a very unic moment. The serene night sky can reward those who follow its spectacular journey from far away,...

Scientists Confirm Our Minds Can Influence Matter

Our thoughts are powerful.  We already know this.  Our minds have tremendous influence over our life and our body.  We already know this.  Did you know that our minds are interconnected to the world...

How To Get “High” Without Drugs

Binaural Beats are the products of two different sounds in harmony; they produce sounds that are only heard by the brain. The effect of this can be quite calming, relaxing and meditative. There are many different...

Turn Your Music to 432 Hz and See What Happens

Everything in our world is created from energy and works through vibrations at different frequencies, which means that even the frequencies from the sound itself, can affect us. There are several explorations and studies that...

World’s First Amethyst Crystal Hotel Being Built in China

Crystals & Geodes are one of nature’s most exquisite creations, and are now set to to be modeled as the inspiration of a new stunning hotel in China. The unique organic design is truly...

Zenarchism: Quantum Chaos Theory

Zenarchism: Quantum Chaos Theory Quantum Hypothesis: Chaos Theory, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Chaos Theory; The Human Problem of the Existential Equation solved by the Divine Solution. Zenarchism: Zenarchist Quantum Chaos Theory in application to create the ideal self and...

The Origin of Consciousness

Consciousness is one of the biggest riddles in nature. Consciousness to its core is what allows us to be aware of our surroundings and our own inner state. We all understand what consciousness is. Consciousness is...

Swedish Divers Discover A “Stone Age Atlantis”: 11,000 Year Old Ancient Settlement Under The...

Source: Daily Mail Divers in Sweden have recently discovered a rare collection of Stone Age artefacts buried deep beneath the Baltic Sea. Archaeologists believe the relics were left by Swedish nomads 11,000 years ago and the discovery...

New Study Reveals How You Can Upgrade Your Genes!

There’s a lot of talk about “DNA activation”, which is usually dismissed as new age mumbo-jumbo with no real scientific basis.  But a new study by researchers in Wisconsin, Spain, and France reports the first...

209 Seconds of Mind-Blowing. This Will Make You Question Your Entire Existence

 This short video will blow your mind, it will make you question your existence on this earth and how significant we really are, if we are any significant. Take a moment to relax and fully...

10 Scientific Studies That Prove Consciousness Can Alter Our Physical World

Nikola Tesla said it best, “the day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence. To understand the true nature of...

Scientists Finally Admit There Is a Second, Secret DNA Code Which Controls Genes

The fascinating and recent discovery of a new, second DNA code last week further lends credence to what metaphysical scientists have been saying for millennia — the body speaks two different languages. Since the genetic...

How the Universe Impacts the Human Mindset?

The whole universe we live in is created and based on vibrating energy. All around us, there are countless matters and objects carrying a certain vibration along, some more impactful than others. Knowing that our...

5 Ways Which Made Us Slaves of the Matrix, and How To Prevent it?

Being free in the true sense of the word can be quite tricky. To enable yourself just that, you have to learn how to eliminate all things that prevent you to feel free. From the...

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