5 Most Important Signs that you are an Indigo Child!!!

Are you an Old Soul? Do you feel the urge to change things? Change the world? Society? You are likely an indigo child. What is an Indigo Child?  An indigo child also referred to as “Crystal or star child “ is a person with a great destiny, with the urge… Continue reading

5 Signs You Are An Old Soul

What exactly is an Old Soul?  Being an old Soul is different and difficult, as you are not on this earth for greed, comparison, quantity, lust or competition.  You are here to find peace, wisdom, deepness, love, solitary and empathy. “Old Souls are usually childlike in many ways, having the… Continue reading

7 Ways to Better Listen to Your Intuition

As we spoke before, we have all got that “Gut Feeling” that tells you one thing but your rational mind just says “ no it can’t be “ but in the end, you were better off listening to your gut feeling, good chance you ended up regretting you didn’t listen… Continue reading

7 Ways to Raise Your Vibration

The energy in its essence its vibration. All your thoughts and feelings are energy. Learn how to master and raise those vibrations and watch how your life changes dramatically. 1. Find Beauty and Appreciate it Most people go through life without noticing all the beautiful things around them, beauty is… Continue reading

9 Habits of Happy People

Everyone would love to be happy most of the time, happiness is an aspiration we all share. We love to see and be around happy people, it’s like taking their energy and it energizes us to be more like them. This doesn’t mean happy people don’t feel sorrow or sadness,… Continue reading

11:11 – Something Powerful About This Number

Have you ever noticed how often unexpectedly these numerals show up in your life at the oddest moments and situations?  Is there something we don’t know about the significance of the number 11:11 regarding global consciousness? Can our daily lives be influenced by the vibration of these numbers have?  You’re… Continue reading

The Darkest Night Of Your Soul

Your Soul will experience at one point it’s the darkest night, there are at least 7 signs of it to be aware of. There will come a time in your life when you will experience the so-called “ Dark Night of the Soul “ you will feel your existential crisis… Continue reading

8 Unnecessary Attachments Carefree People Don’t Have

Life is about attachments, we attach ourselves to so many things that soon we find out we are not our self anymore, our natural right to freedom becomes nothing more but an illusion. We gather a bag full of relics and lessons from the past each year until that bag… Continue reading

What Is Your Astrology Personality Type?

Most people don’t give any attention to astrology. While others could swear by it and live their life fully committed to astrology. Balance is best to have in everything you do and everything you believe in.  Astrology is a complex topic and we neither condemn it nor living our lives… Continue reading

Mind-Blowing – Mind-Body Connection-“The IceMan” Method

You might never hear of this method before, but it is possible to consciously control your body, your immune system, and inflammation to bacteria, even exposure to extreme cold.  Dutch World Record holder Wim Hof who’s famous for his ability to resist cold. He was commonly nicknamed “The Iceman” for… Continue reading

Get High Without Drugs or Plants, 5 Ways How-To

People loved getting high since the beginning of time, with anything they could get their hands on, booze, peyote, orgasms, shrooms, anything to alter their consciousness and feel amazing.  Now-days we just want to up our dopamine and serotonin and it’s very easy to do so with drugs, but those… Continue reading

The Antidote to Your Dissatisfaction

Almost everybody experiences that things are not as they should be. That your relationship is not satisfying you, that you’re not successful enough or even that you don’t have the things you want or crave. This type of dissatisfaction makes you look inwards with disappointment about yourself, and outwards with… Continue reading

7 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do

Anyone can become mentally strong, it just depends on the person, also don’t judge the book by its cover, some very interesting people I’ve met were strong-willed, mentally strong and I wouldn’t have guessed in a million years, only after I’ve started talking to them I found out a lot… Continue reading

Most Common Regrets of Dying People

What are the top 5 regrets of the dying people? We can finally find out as a palliative nurse recorded the most common regrets of people who haven’t much time left to live and put her findings into her book called “The top 5 regrets of the dying”.  Below is… Continue reading

Do You Have a “High” or “Low Vibration”?

Have you ever heard people saying: “He has a really negative vibe,” “That place had AMAZING energy,” “She’s so energetic.” But haven’t given much thought on it after. We can sense all the energy around us, we can sense a hype person, a very calm one or a neutral one.… Continue reading

Near-Death Experiences and What People said After Coming back to Life Again.

Personally, I haven’t experienced a near-death experience but the people who have and their testimonials after the experience is just mind-bugling There have been efforts from the scientific community to study near-death experiences and to determine what exactly might be going on during them. There has even been a scale… Continue reading

3 Pieces of Timeless Spiritual Wisdom to Help You Get Through the Day

What are the most loving, wisest and well-rounded people you’ve ever met? They’re likely to be those who have known defeat, misery, and heartbreak of losing someone or something they loved, and have found their way out of the depth of their misery and despair. These types of people have… Continue reading

4 Sound Healing Instruments That Raise Your Energy and Vibrations

“For most of us, there is only the unattended  Moment, the moment in and out of time,  The distraction fit lost in a shaft of sunlight,  The wild thyme unseen, or the winter lightning  Or the waterfall, or music heard so deeply  That it is not heard at all, but… Continue reading

Loneliness – Are You Lonely?

We’ve all felt lonely. Everybody feels lonely from time to time. When we move to a new country, city, school. When there’s no one to hang around with in the weekend. We’ve all felt loneliness. But over the last few decades, this occasional feeling of loneliness has become chronic for… Continue reading

17 Inspirational and Spiritual Quotes That Will Make Your Life Better IF Understood

  In this article, we’ve selected 17 inspirational and powerful quotes that we thought will brighten your life. They are surely deep and it takes a minute to sink in to fully realize them.   Never forget that you are what you eat, you are who you’re surrounding yourself with, and you… Continue reading