Scientific Proof Thoughts And Intentions Can Alter The World Around Us!

Dr. Masaru Emoto, a researcher and alternative healer from Japan has given the world a good deal of evidence of the magic of positive thinking. He became famous when his water molecule experiments featured in...

Scientists Photograph Soul Leaving Body At Death, According To New Study

I recently came across an article that I thought was interesting enough to share, and I think I may be able to provide proper scientific support for these claims for the very first time...

People Can Draw Energy From Other People The Same Way Plants Do

A biological research team at Bielefeld University has made a groundbreaking discovery showing that plants can draw an alternative source of energy from other plants. This finding could also have a major impact on...

Scientists Finally Admit There Is a Second, Secret DNA Code Which Controls Genes

The fascinating and recent discovery of a new, second DNA code last week further lends credence to what metaphysical scientists have been saying for millennia — the body speaks two different languages. Since the genetic...

Scientists Confirm Our Minds Can Influence Matter

Our thoughts are powerful.  We already know this.  Our minds have tremendous influence over our life and our body.  We already know this.  Did you know that our minds are interconnected to the world...

Proof That Our Thoughts Affect Physical Matter

Your thoughts are powerful.  They aren’t just neurochemical processes contained in your skull.  They have a direct, measurable influence over the outside world.  We have seen consciousness effect the behaviour of quantum objects, the behaviour of...

8 Tactics to Help You Regain Control over Your Mind

There is no better feeling in the world than to be able to control your mind. But, you know what? Your mind is rarely ever in your own possession, and what is worse, you...

Science: What Your Eye Color Reveals About You

The eye is your window to the universe.  We all come into this world with these super intricate biological cameras in our head which somehow translate photons of light into a 3-dimensional image in...

The Real Reason Time Flies By As You Get Older

As we get older, we often feel like our time is running out more quickly than before. Back in the younger days, it seemed like every moment or experience would last forever, and waiting...

Memories Travel through Generations, Scientists Confirm

You have probably wondered if it’s possible for some memories and experiences to be transmitted from your ancestors to you with the help of your genes. Well, we finally have a study that is...

Scientists Find Fractal Patterns & Golden Ratio Pulses in Stars

A recent article in Scientific American has reported the discovery that fractal patterns and the golden ratio have been discovered in outer space for the very first time. Researchers from the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa have...

10 Scientific Studies That Prove Consciousness Can Alter Our Physical World

Nikola Tesla said it best, “the day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence. To understand the true nature of...

5 Mind-Blowing Facts About the Universe

Deep space, Dark matter & Energy, The Sun's incredible power, Diamond planets & Black holes are just a tiny fraction of the incredible things space has to offer. When we look up into the night...

How To Get “High” Without Drugs

Binaural Beats are the products of two different sounds in harmony; they produce sounds that are only heard by the brain. The effect of this can be quite calming, relaxing and meditative. There are many different...

Swedish Divers Discover A “Stone Age Atlantis”: 11,000 Year Old Ancient Settlement Under The...

Source: Daily Mail Divers in Sweden have recently discovered a rare collection of Stone Age artefacts buried deep beneath the Baltic Sea. Archaeologists believe the relics were left by Swedish nomads 11,000 years ago and the discovery...

Holy Man Claims He Has Not Eaten Or Drank Anything In 70 Years!

What is the longest you have gone without a piece of food or a glass of water?  A holy man in India claims that he has not eaten or drank anything for 70 years! Prahlad...

Heart & Brain Respond to Future Events Before They Happen

Yes, you read that correctly, the heart and the brain responding to future events before they happen. It is called “Precognition”. Multiple experiments have been done with strong evidence to show that precognition is...

Memories Travel Through DNA – How and Why?

One of the most controversial but fascinating fields of research is the notion that you can inherit memories from your ancestors without having to live them. I'm talking about Genetic memories. Some psychologists theorised that we...

STEM: Zero Point Energy Anti-Gravity Centrifuge Engine

STEM Abstract: Galaxies, Solar Systems, Celestial Bodies are all Centrifuges of Nature, Naturally Occurring Gravity Powered Perpetual Motion Centrifuges. E=M/0 In our Universe. Galaxies, Solar Systems, Celestial Bodies are all naturally occurring gravity powered perpetual motion...

What Happens When You Boil Coke Is Actually Terrifying

A Russian YouTuber and amateur scientist who goes by “Crazy Russian Hacker” wanted to show what goes into your body when you drink a sugary soda. So he boiled the water out of Coke and showed...

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