What is a Mind Garden? And How does it Help me?

A mind garden is a world you create in your mind that appears as visualized physical illusions but is a representation of your subconscious. -What do I mean by that? -I mean, your feelings and...

The Best Spiritual Jokes and Puns

“A day without laughter is a day wasted” – Charlie Chaplin.  There is nothing like a good laugh, and what could be better than jokes about spirituality? Osho once said, life as such has...

Study Finds Marijuana Increases Your IQ

Originally seen on Cannabis Culture| A study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, examined whether marijuana lowered intelligence levels in users. The study was largely ignored by US media, while within Canada, the results seemed to...

How to Relax Your Mind in a few Simple Steps-Self-Help & Meditation

Buddhists use the phrase “Monkey Mind” to describe the unrestrained mind.   Meditation is a tool for going within and achieving peace.    Successful meditation demands the ability to quiet the intrusive thoughts.   Use the following steps to control...


HOW THE SUBTLE SOUNDS OF MANTRAS HELP TO NATURALLY HEAL? "Using Subtle Sound (Frequency, Vibration & Energies ) of Divine MANTRAS to Heal Naturally our body , mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche ) &...

5 Gifts You Gain from Embracing Conscious Awareness

Couscous awareness or (Spiritual Awakening) can help us in many different ways, as we become conscious it feels rational and logical at one point to be so, there’s no way back,...

Zenarchism: Philosophy of Quantum Chaos

Five Parts: 1. Life. The Absurdity of Existence. 2. Negotiation. We Don’t Negotiate With Nihilism, We Reason With It. 3. Evidence for God. The Paradox that is Nihilism. 4. Knowledge. Consciousness is Nature’s Nightmare. 5. Ethics. Code of Ethics and Honor. Disclaimer: I am a...

5 Reasons Why You Have Hit a Plateau in Spiritual Growth

The thing about spirituality is that you never stop growing and learning as a person, there is much to learn, accept, and to inner acknowledge that it's impossible to have an end to it.   Yet ...

Totem Spirit Animal Messages

The universe doesn’t speak English, it speaks symbolism, it speaks mathematics, but it doesn’t speak in any language.   Often a spirit animal will show up in your life. If you live in the city that ...

How To Contact Your Spirit Guides And Guardian Angels

Whether you are aware of it or not, you have a spirit guide/gaurdian angel that is helping guide you through this life.  It may pull you into the direction of something that better serves...

Existence is a Spiritual Experience

 In order to understand the vast expanses of spiritual realms beyond our empirical senses, one must open oneself to the eternal stream of the universal consciousness. To be one with the universal consciousness is to...

The Relation Between Long Hair And Extrasensory Perception

We are conditioned to think that cutting our hair regularly is important, and that it serves no other purpose outside of aesthestics. But in olden times it was a different story. An interesting find...

Always Trust in Your Self & Your Creativity

One of the most important things people need to grasp and understand is that their instinct is more powerful than they are let know it is. This is our message to share. Always Trust...

3 Main Signs That You Are Experiencing A Spiritual Awakening

As you go through your journey of awakening, many things about you and your life start to change.  There are many articles out there titled “20 symptoms of spiritual awakening” and they touch on...

7 Proven Reasons Why Our New Years Resolutions Fail

Happy 2018 Friends! We all know what it’s like to get super excited about the new year ahead and set some pretty lofty goals for the year, only to fall off in the first...

What Spending Too Much Time Sitting On The Computer Is Doing To Your Health

According to research published in 2016, 87% of Americans use the internet.  We all know what it is like to spend long hours at a computer, either for leisure or work purposes.  In fact,...

Dalai Lama – Life and Mind Transformation

Using the insights of the Dalai Lama to make significant changes in your life, learn, and deeply assimilate the teachings and information's Dalai Lama has to offer us.   Quote 1   "The ultimate source...

Signs You are Experiencing Spirit Communication

We have not had the pleasant experience of Spirit Communication, but we’ve always found it fascinating. Many people from different countries and times have reported these Happenings of Spirit Communication.   In doing our research on...

9 Spiritual Lessons – Find Enlightenment

1. Your body is a Physical Vessel, but you are more than the vessel   You choose this life, this physical vessel you are in now, and the journey you are taking.   Because you’ve made life choices...

Buying Christmas Gifts For Homeless People – What Christmas Spirit Is All About

A man approached some homeless people and asked each of them what their favourite Christmas gift would be.  After they told him, he went out shopping for them and got them everything they asked...

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