What is a Free Spirit?

Everyone has its definition or experience of being a free spirit, and that is perfectly fine, but for me, being a free spirit is about waking up every morning, with a hunger for life, being curious about life in general.   Everything there is to know about life, all your experiences,… Continue reading

Do Healing Crystals Really Work?

This is what Crystal Healing looks like.   Today’s idea of self-care is Instagram able, aesthetically pleasing, and often involves placing crystals all-over your body.   Some people say that these crystals are aligning your chakras and balancing your energy.   For people all across social media, and the world, crystal healing is… Continue reading


“The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time.”–Jack London- You are probably unaware that you’re wasting your time, it can go on and on without knowing until one day you suddenly… Continue reading

4 Reasons Awakening and Anxiety are Linked

You’ve awakened. Are you nervous? For some reason, Spiritual Awakening and anxiety often seem to go hand in hand. Why is this you might ask? Well, there are several factors that come into play which we will discuss briefly. 1.) Awakening causes difficulty fitting in. Before you were awake, it… Continue reading