What is a Free Spirit?

Everyone has its definition or experience of being a free spirit, and that is perfectly fine, but for me, being a free spirit is about waking up every morning, with a hunger for life, being curious about life in general.   Everything there is to know about life, all your experiences,… Continue reading

Do Healing Crystals Really Work?

This is what Crystal Healing looks like.   Today’s idea of self-care is Instagram able, aesthetically pleasing, and often involves placing crystals all-over your body.   Some people say that these crystals are aligning your chakras and balancing your energy.   For people all across social media, and the world, crystal healing is… Continue reading

Secret Behind the Last Words of a Dying Man

This is a fascinating story with high morale and something we can all learn from. We love life lessons; we love to grow as a person, to connect and communicate. I hope we all learn something.  An older man was on his death bed, surrounded by his family.   As he… Continue reading

5 Life-Changing Things That Will Make Your Life Better and Happier

I love to be happy, and I can’t think of anyone who doesn’t want to be happy or wouldn’t like to be. So, I’ve been looking, how can we be really happy? What makes us feel that peaceful emotion that makes us happy? I have found 5 things that would… Continue reading

Why is Technological Advancement Not Making us any Happier?

Why do you think technological advancement is not making us happy? Shouldn’t our kids be happier with all this technology? Why aren’t we? We will try and give an honest answer.  Technological advancement is not making us happy because it is not the job and the purpose of technological advancement… Continue reading

Getting Married? Here are 4 Important Life Skills to know before you do it.

Many of us have met a special someone and it’s the special person you get along with. Because it’s so special you both decide to get married, but it’s not so simple as everyone makes it look,  it takes a lot of effort and hard work from both of you.… Continue reading

5 Things to do at Night for a better Morning

Everything we are going to discuss in this article will mainly revolve around the concept of “Decision Fatigue” Roy F. Baumeister gave this term.  He says that “Decision Fatigue is the decline in the quality of decisions that are made by a person after many decisions have been made in… Continue reading


“The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time.”–Jack London- You are probably unaware that you’re wasting your time, it can go on and on without knowing until one day you suddenly… Continue reading

10 Ways to Put an End to Dishonest Dating Culture we’ve created

We’ve all been dating and lately, there’s this dating invisible game with rules and probably we all know it too well, the game of “let’s see who’s a better actor in caring less so the other person cares more and let’s take turns on this” What’s the reason for not… Continue reading

The Story of the Chinese Farmer – Great Life Lesson we ALL need to Learn.

The story is relatively short in its essence with a very powerful message. It’s not about the quantity, it’s about the quality of it. Once upon a time, there a Chinese Farmer, who lost a horse, the horse ran away one day without any reason. All the neighbors came around… Continue reading

209 Seconds of Mind-Blowing. This Will Make You Question Your Entire Existence

 This short video will blow your mind, it will make you question your existence on this earth and how significant we really are, if we are any significant. Take a moment to relax and fully grasp this video, it is important to understand and truly assimilate it. Enjoy and comment… Continue reading

CONSCIOUSNESS: My Reality Part.1

This is part of my life story; I will go into as many details as possible but most importantly I want to talk about more of my own realization of consciousness and what I actually think and relate to. What you are about to read next is part of me,… Continue reading

Pics Of Animals Before & After Being Called A Good Boy

It all started with reddit user “JavaReallySucks” posting a picture named “dog before and after being called a good boy”. A storm of inspired people to do the same and submit their pics followed. The results? Look for yourself: #1 Before And After Being Called A Good Boy #2 Before… Continue reading