Signs Your Consciousness Awakens

1. You are mindfully aware that something far more significant than you is guiding you.   Things are the way they are because something having the intelligence of sheer genius put everything in its place.   Whether you call on spirit guides, ancestors or angels, you know you’ve gone more than one… Continue reading

How to Win the Game of Life

The title could also be called “How to evolve the quality of your Consciousness,” but we decided to go with How to win the game of life, as we consider our life is a video-game in which we control our life, decisions, and many other aspects that we can.   We… Continue reading

The Life and Journey of Souls

Before we jump into some difficult concepts, we should first be on the same page and explain what we mean when we say “Souls.”  For most of us, the Soul is our spirit, our true selves, our energy, and the part of us that goes on after death.  But, the… Continue reading

CONSCIOUSNESS: My Reality Part.1

This is part of my life story; I will go into as many details as possible but most importantly I want to talk about more of my own realization of consciousness and what I actually think and relate to. What you are about to read next is part of me,… Continue reading