Signs Your Consciousness Awakens

1. You are mindfully aware that something far more significant than you is guiding you.   Things are the way they are because something having the intelligence of sheer genius put everything in its place.   Whether you call on spirit guides, ancestors or angels, you know you’ve gone more than one… Continue reading

The Egg (Life After Death, Short Story)

short afterlife story

You were on your way home when you died. It was a car accident. Nothing particularly remarkable, but fatal nonetheless. You left behind a wife and two children. It was a painless death.  The EMTs tried their best to save you, but to no avail. Your body was so utterly… Continue reading

What Is Your Astrology Personality Type?

Most people don’t give any attention to astrology. While others could swear by it and live their life fully committed to astrology. Balance is best to have in everything you do and everything you believe in.  Astrology is a complex topic and we neither condemn it nor living our lives… Continue reading

Is Death Real? What is Life?

Life is fundamentally different from dead stuff, right? Or is it? Physicist Erwin Schrodinger defined life this way:     “Living Things avoid decay into disorder and equilibrium” What does this mean? Well, let’s give an example: If your download folder is the universe. Firstly, it started nice and orderly with not… Continue reading

209 Seconds of Mind-Blowing. This Will Make You Question Your Entire Existence

 This short video will blow your mind, it will make you question your existence on this earth and how significant we really are, if we are any significant. Take a moment to relax and fully grasp this video, it is important to understand and truly assimilate it. Enjoy and comment… Continue reading

Spiritual and Psychic Phenomena – Truth or Fiction?

We are sure you have been asking yourself when reading most of our articles – Where is the Science in all of what we are stating? Where is the Science behind our claims?   That is a good and fair question to ask. We are sure it’s a great concern that… Continue reading