How to Win the Game of Life

The title could also be called “How to evolve the quality of your Consciousness,” but we decided to go with How to win the game of life, as we consider our life is a video-game in which we control our life, decisions, and many other aspects that we can.   We… Continue reading

How To Reprogram Your Subconscious?

You probably heard of subliminal programming, it has been around since the 1950s, and it is still being used all the time in movies, commercials, tv-shows, songs, and even video-games.  Most of this subliminal in the media are there to control your subconscious, to re-program it for you to believe… Continue reading

Throat Chakra Healing

Throat Chakra is known for the seed of self-expression, of being yourself, of being natural. But sometimes it needs healing.  It sits on the throat, neck, and shoulder area, and it’s the fifth chakra going up.  If you’ve been the kind of person who speaks his truth, speaks his mind,… Continue reading

Looking for Fulfillment in Life? Must Read

We are all looking for fulfillment in our life, but many of us have lost our ways, our path, our journey in the running after something that we shouldn’t run after.  Whether you drive a Volkswagen or you drive a Bentley, the road remains the same, doesn’t it?  Whether you… Continue reading

The Importance of Saying “Sorry”

The three-letter poisonous word which becomes such a challenge to cooperation in any relationship is the big “EGO,” and what a colossal Ego we have.  All relationships have problems, all friendships are not perfect, and most of the fights are because of our Ego.  With spouses, with friends, with parents,… Continue reading

Getting Married? Here are 4 Important Life Skills to know before you do it.

Many of us have met a special someone and it’s the special person you get along with. Because it’s so special you both decide to get married, but it’s not so simple as everyone makes it look,  it takes a lot of effort and hard work from both of you.… Continue reading

5 Things to do at Night for a better Morning

Everything we are going to discuss in this article will mainly revolve around the concept of “Decision Fatigue” Roy F. Baumeister gave this term.  He says that “Decision Fatigue is the decline in the quality of decisions that are made by a person after many decisions have been made in… Continue reading

The “1 Billion Dollar Habit” Can you guess it?

Imagine this. Imagine you have a thought experiment, where you did this every single day, at your willingness. What if the only thing in your life tomorrow is the thing you would express gratitude for today? What if the only things in your life you had, the people, the opportunities,… Continue reading

7 Ways to Better Listen to Your Intuition

As we spoke before, we have all got that “Gut Feeling” that tells you one thing but your rational mind just says “ no it can’t be “ but in the end, you were better off listening to your gut feeling, good chance you ended up regretting you didn’t listen… Continue reading

7 Ways to Raise Your Vibration

The energy in its essence its vibration. All your thoughts and feelings are energy. Learn how to master and raise those vibrations and watch how your life changes dramatically. 1. Find Beauty and Appreciate it Most people go through life without noticing all the beautiful things around them, beauty is… Continue reading

9 Habits of Happy People

Everyone would love to be happy most of the time, happiness is an aspiration we all share. We love to see and be around happy people, it’s like taking their energy and it energizes us to be more like them. This doesn’t mean happy people don’t feel sorrow or sadness,… Continue reading

Get High Without Drugs or Plants, 5 Ways How-To

People loved getting high since the beginning of time, with anything they could get their hands on, booze, peyote, orgasms, shrooms, anything to alter their consciousness and feel amazing.  Now-days we just want to up our dopamine and serotonin and it’s very easy to do so with drugs, but those… Continue reading

7 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do

Anyone can become mentally strong, it just depends on the person, also don’t judge the book by its cover, some very interesting people I’ve met were strong-willed, mentally strong and I wouldn’t have guessed in a million years, only after I’ve started talking to them I found out a lot… Continue reading

The Greatest Skill of ALL

I remember one time when I was on a mountain trip, and one of those glorious thistledown things came and I picked one up from the air. I brought it down, was looking at it closely. Some people say that if you can catch one, you’ll have good luck, but… Continue reading

Do You Have a “High” or “Low Vibration”?

Have you ever heard people saying: “He has a really negative vibe,” “That place had AMAZING energy,” “She’s so energetic.” But haven’t given much thought on it after. We can sense all the energy around us, we can sense a hype person, a very calm one or a neutral one.… Continue reading

3 Pieces of Timeless Spiritual Wisdom to Help You Get Through the Day

What are the most loving, wisest and well-rounded people you’ve ever met? They’re likely to be those who have known defeat, misery, and heartbreak of losing someone or something they loved, and have found their way out of the depth of their misery and despair. These types of people have… Continue reading

The Story of the Chinese Farmer – Great Life Lesson we ALL need to Learn.

The story is relatively short in its essence with a very powerful message. It’s not about the quantity, it’s about the quality of it. Once upon a time, there a Chinese Farmer, who lost a horse, the horse ran away one day without any reason. All the neighbors came around… Continue reading

3 Types of Negative People You Definitely Need to Ignore and Run From.

According to research, people you associate with determinate 95% of your success or failure in life. This is a simple fact of life that some people hold us back while others propel us forward. Truth be told, you can’t expect to hang out with negative people and have a positive… Continue reading

Does Life Have a Purpose?

What do you think the purpose of life is? Does life really need to have a purpose? Couldn’t it be purposeless? We are all looking for the meaning or purpose of life or the meaning of the universe, why are we looking for meaning in anything? Do we really need… Continue reading

17 Inspirational and Spiritual Quotes That Will Make Your Life Better IF Understood

  In this article, we’ve selected 17 inspirational and powerful quotes that we thought will brighten your life. They are surely deep and it takes a minute to sink in to fully realize them.   Never forget that you are what you eat, you are who you’re surrounding yourself with, and you… Continue reading