Darius Copac

I am 32, passionate about spirituality, metaphysics, science and psychology. Life coach, speaker and Law Of Attraction certified practitioner. Lead writer for Quantum World: Awaken Your Mind, I like to travel the world and I am an activist.
For every meteor lover out there, it has been a long time without a sky show, precisely 16 weeks. Here comes the good news, there is finally an opening tonight, as the Lyrids Meteor Shower peaks, at around 22 pm, in the Northern Emisphere. The meteors are called "Lyrids" because their paths, if extended backward, appear to diverge from a spot...
Can it be true that each mind is connected to another? Nowadays, there are numerous examples of telepathic experiences and individuals who possess a certain psychic power. This very occurrence is very similar to waiting for your friend or a family member to say something before he even opens his mouth. Believe it or not, there is a whole study dedicated...
Feeling nervous and stressed out is not something new in today’s dynamic and fast-paced world. Everything from your work to your friends and family, as well as your general surroundings, can affect the mood and mindset of a person, and especially an empath. People who suffer from social anxiety have a hard time coping with being around large groups of...
Rejection is an occurrence most people can hardly cope with because it goes against anything they had ever expected. Rejection doesn’t come easy to anyone, and usually, those who are rejected, tend to be more exposed to confidence and insecurity issues, which later affect the overall quality of life. In most cases rejection works best if a person finds the...
Many people understand how the Law of Attraction works, but they are not patient enough to wait for their desires and dreams to come to life. Opening your eyes a little bit more and trying to notice the signs that the universe is sending you is more crucial nowadays than it ever was before. If your desires are close to coming...
It is no wonder to learn just how much humankind is spiritually lifted and gifted at the same time. For years, people have been neglecting their spiritual natures, universe’s hints and more. The main problem in such case is being forgetful and uninterested. As humans, we tend to forget just how blessed we are and how gifted this world has...
Oh, the never-ending topic of holograms! Although this has been a discussion point among many experts, it looks as though new study-based evidence can clearly confirm that we, indeed, live in a hologram-like universe. The physical world, based on 3D perceptions, is nothing but a mere illusion and now there is enough proof to back this statement. The entire universe is...
What divides the material world from the most spiritual world? Consciousness works in mysterious ways and even experts don’t have a full grasp on how the process actually works. But let’s focus on reality first. Reality as we know it is supposed to be made up of tiny bits and pieces, all attainable and tangible. Right? Wrong! Reality is actually a concept...
In today’s society, empaths are seriously misinterpreted. This means, that not only are empaths exposed to severe negative energy, they are also unwillingly absorbing every sense, every thought and every belief others may have. What this later leads to is a severe depression, unnecessary stress, and social anxiety. Empaths are not made to be introverts, but rather feel the pain...
Introverts are a seriously misunderstood group of people. Popular opinion labels introverts as rude, mysterious and unsocial, but the reality is quite different. However, what people fail to realize is that introverts need time alone to recharge, reboot and prepare themselves for socially-triggered situations. Oftentimes, introverts are seen in public as shy and keeping to themselves, but that just means...
There is no better feeling in the world than to be able to control your mind. But, you know what? Your mind is rarely ever in your own possession, and what is worse, you allowed this to happen! Ever since the beginning of society, our minds have been exposed to outer influence, and we have been sort of programmed to...
When my brother Billy woke me three weeks after he died, describing what was happening to him in the afterlife, I thought maybe I had gone a little crazy. How could my bad-boy brother, who died a tragic death, who had problems with addiction all his life, who didn’t live what most people would call a successful life, how...
Chasing after your dreams is not a mission impossible. Setting intentions which would help you achieve everything you have ever put your mind to can be liberating, effective and give you a sense of self-worth and self-respect. In today’s society, pressure is inevitable. People are generally not keen on believing success is real, which is why many fail to fulfill...
Being free in the true sense of the word can be quite tricky. To enable yourself just that, you have to learn how to eliminate all things that prevent you to feel free. From the minute you are born, you are immediately registered, numbered and simply marked by society. From here on it seems all your life is somewhat planned...
*Some of these photos may disturb some viewers. Proceed with discretion. The photos you are about to see may be disturbing, but they accurately represent exactly what is going on in our modern society.  Sometimes, the truth doesn’t always feel good to see, but it’s important for us to acknowledge what is wrong with society if we have any hope...
Empaths have been subjected to misinterpretation by people in the past. Nowadays, beginning to understand an empathy is still a difficult task for some, therefore we would like to offer more help. What is more, empaths are also having trouble with grasping the true concept of their state and believe everyone is like them. Empaths, or sometimes highly sensitive individuals, are...
Talking ‘bout good vibrations! Know that song? Good, now let us ask you- how often do you actually manage to get away from negative vibes and dedicate your time to something more fruitful? As people, we tend to fall into situations which, honestly, have nothing to do with us. Bad vibes can be found at any corner, and if you have...
Did the church invent the idea of Hell to control people with fear? An ex-bishop named John Spong says so.  He is an ex-bishop of over 30 years who claims who was held a position at Harvard’s Divinity School.  He claims that it was a control-tactic of the early church to keep the population in check. This interview with him...
Warning: This article will not contain pick-up lines. It will not tell you what to wear. It will not tell you who to be friends with or what car to drive. It will tell you my story (as a straight male). And as a result, it will allow you to be confident in yourself in a way that the most...
Originally seen on SimpleOrganicLife| If you’re smoking a cigarette right now, I have good news for you: if you don’t ever pick one up again, your body will go through amazing transformations within minutes of finishing your last one. We all know the negative health effects of smoking cigarettes, but what really hits home is when you look at how your...

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