How To Decalcify And Detoxify Your Pineal Gland
It’s important to first note that decalcifying the pineal gland is not only for people who want to tune their spiritual antenna and refine their third eye, it is also for people who just want to take...
5 Ways for Empaths to Shield Themselves from Negativity
Empaths have been subjected to misinterpretation by people in the past. Nowadays, beginning to understand an empathy is still a difficult task for some, therefore we would like to offer more help.
What is more,...
5 Things Only Old Souls Will Understand
The point of this article is not to try to exclude certain groups of people from one another or appeal to a certain type of audience. The point of this article to provide comfort...
Create Your Reality In These 3 Steps
Let us briefly touch the process that you have been partaking in for eons – consciously or subconsciously. YOU create your reality, and this has been demonstrated in innumerable ways, scientifically and for me personally;...
5 Tactics to Help You Eliminate Negative Energy
Talking ‘bout good vibrations!
Know that song? Good, now let us ask you- how often do you actually manage to get away from negative vibes and dedicate your time to something more fruitful?
As people, we...
How to Discover Your Spirit Animal?
You might have wondered or heard about your spirit animal, perhaps you didn’t know you can discover it yet.
But you can inner discover your spirit animal, you need to do what most people don’t...
5 Steps To Recover From Personal Trauma
We’ve all had a few traumatic times in life, some bigger than others. While some people seem highly resilient to traumas, others get dragged into a downward spiral of depression and anger. The different...
5 Surprising Yet Effective Social Anxiety Solutions
Social Anxiety can be a brutal affliction for those who experience it. The fear that so many people experience regarding social environments with others has led many to isolate, hide and seclude themselves from...
11:11 – Something Powerful About This Number
Have you ever noticed how often unexpectedly these numerals show up in your life at the oddest moments and situations? Is there something we don’t know about the significance of the number 11:11 regarding...
Top 4 Spiritual Resolutions for 2018
The new year started, and it’s just about that time where people begin making their resolutions again. Most of these resolutions involve physical health and weight loss, which is great, but very few involve...
3 Best Spiritually Awakening Jim Carrey Videos
Many celebrities have begun to use their fame and fortune to serve humanity, but a special group of them has focused primarily on spiritual awakening and consciousness.
Arguably one of the funniest men to ever...
How To Reprogram Your Subconscious?
You probably heard of subliminal programming, it has been around since the 1950s, and it is still being used all the time in movies, commercials, tv-shows, songs, and even video-games.
Most of this subliminal in...
3 Ways To Deal With Someone With A Big Ego
If you are a human being, chances are you are guilty of having a big ego at times in your life. For some people, it is this defense system that comes and goes with...
How to Relax Your Mind in a few Simple Steps-Self-Help & Meditation
Buddhists use the phrase “Monkey Mind” to describe the unrestrained mind.
Meditation is a tool for going within and achieving peace.
Successful meditation demands the ability to quiet the intrusive thoughts.
Use the following steps to control...
5 Reasons Why You Have Hit a Plateau in Spiritual Growth
thing about spirituality is that you never stop growing and learning as
a person, there is much to learn, accept, and to inner acknowledge that
it's impossible to have an end to it.
Always Trust in Your Self & Your Creativity
One of the most important things people need to grasp and understand is that their instinct is more powerful than they are let know it is. This is our message to share. Always Trust...
3 Main Signs That You Are Experiencing A Spiritual Awakening
As you go through your journey of awakening, many things about you and your life start to change. There are many articles out there titled “20 symptoms of spiritual awakening” and they touch on...
What Spending Too Much Time Sitting On The Computer Is Doing To Your Health
According to research published in 2016, 87% of Americans use the internet. We all know what it is like to spend long hours at a computer, either for leisure or work purposes. In fact,...
Dalai Lama – Life and Mind Transformation
Using the insights of the Dalai Lama to make significant changes in your life, learn, and deeply assimilate the teachings and information's Dalai Lama has to offer us.
Quote 1
"The ultimate source...
9 Spiritual Lessons – Find Enlightenment
1. Your body is a Physical Vessel, but you are more than the vessel
You choose this life, this physical vessel you are in now, and the journey you are taking.
you’ve made life choices...