Talking With The Trees

awaken your mind

Through direct experience, I have come to realize that everything is doing what it should be doing. Planet Earth seems to be something like a lower realm. Some would venture to call it one of the Hell realms. I say this because there is a LOT of horrible things that… Continue reading

Quantum entanglement and celestial connection

By Yogesh Shivhare Quantum entanglement and celestial connection Quantum entanglement is when two particles act together in an entangled system. This means that they behave like one object even though they are physically apart. It suggests that space is just the construct that gives the illusion that there are separate… Continue reading

Proof of heaven

Dr. Alexander is a highly trained neurosurgeon. He had operated on thousands of brains in the course of his career. He thought that what many people called the “soul”, is really a just product of brain chemistry. He believed that near-death experiences are simply fantasies produced by our brains during… Continue reading

Gregg Braden : The Feeling is the Prayer

  In order for the prayer to work, we first must feel as our prayer already answered and feel graditude in our hearts for it. Gregg Braden says, one must become the change one wants to see in the world. We must become the very things that we choose to… Continue reading

Parallel Universes and how to change reality

Mainstream science is now recognizing the existence of parallel realities. We can change realities by shifting our intention to the reality that we want to live in. If we want to live happy, healthy, and prosperous, we need to focus on that reality. Continue reading

Who/what do we create?

by Sasha Yun If you’re interested in a bit of deep thinking. (If you keep an open mind and truely try understanding the concepts I’m fairly certain you can find some form of enlightenment from this) Take into considerations the concepts of quantum physics.  Particle wave duality: States that all matter… Continue reading

A Quantum Journey

Let’s take a journey through the world of Quantum physics. What is Quantum Physics?  by Sasha Yun A study of the universe from a microscopic perspective. A study of the small. There is something happening within the scientific community. Something big which, if proven correct, would lead to the complete breakdown of… Continue reading