Body and Soul Nourishment – Steps to Do

Getting straight into the Body and Soul Nourishment steps   Here are 7 Simple Steps:   1. If you are falling short on your physical well-being, get busy tending to your body.   The physical vessel you have chosen for this lifetime is the only one you’ve got. To ignore your health is… Continue reading

Spiritual Ascension Symptoms You Might Feel

As we are experiencing a universal shift in consciousness, we are also experiencing a change within our bodies.   Our bodies are upgrading and increasing their vibration so that they can exist within the new dimension that we are creating.   This new paradigm, a new awareness of consciousness, we are first… Continue reading

Heart & Brain Respond to Future Events Before They Happen

Yes, you read that correctly, the heart and the brain responding to future events before they happen. It is called “Precognition”. Multiple experiments have been done with strong evidence to show that precognition is real. There are many examples suggesting that precognition is real.  A program called “remove viewing” is… Continue reading

5 Signs You Are An Old Soul

What exactly is an Old Soul?  Being an old Soul is different and difficult, as you are not on this earth for greed, comparison, quantity, lust or competition.  You are here to find peace, wisdom, deepness, love, solitary and empathy. “Old Souls are usually childlike in many ways, having the… Continue reading

7 Ways to Raise Your Vibration

The energy in its essence its vibration. All your thoughts and feelings are energy. Learn how to master and raise those vibrations and watch how your life changes dramatically. 1. Find Beauty and Appreciate it Most people go through life without noticing all the beautiful things around them, beauty is… Continue reading

What Is Your Astrology Personality Type?

Most people don’t give any attention to astrology. While others could swear by it and live their life fully committed to astrology. Balance is best to have in everything you do and everything you believe in.  Astrology is a complex topic and we neither condemn it nor living our lives… Continue reading

Get Access To All Informations Instantly “ Google Brain “ Implants

The Fact is that AI technology is increasing at an extremely rapid rate. It will by far surpass human intelligence by a factor of millions. Should we be afraid of this technology and what it could potentially mean for the human species? How can we control it before it controls… Continue reading

Do You Have a “High” or “Low Vibration”?

Have you ever heard people saying: “He has a really negative vibe,” “That place had AMAZING energy,” “She’s so energetic.” But haven’t given much thought on it after. We can sense all the energy around us, we can sense a hype person, a very calm one or a neutral one.… Continue reading

3 Pieces of Timeless Spiritual Wisdom to Help You Get Through the Day

What are the most loving, wisest and well-rounded people you’ve ever met? They’re likely to be those who have known defeat, misery, and heartbreak of losing someone or something they loved, and have found their way out of the depth of their misery and despair. These types of people have… Continue reading

Spiritual and Psychic Phenomena – Truth or Fiction?

We are sure you have been asking yourself when reading most of our articles – Where is the Science in all of what we are stating? Where is the Science behind our claims?   That is a good and fair question to ask. We are sure it’s a great concern that… Continue reading

Knowing Your Soul Group / Ways to identify Old Souls

Whether you call it reincarnation or old souls, knowing your soul group is a way to identify those around you too. Here are a few ideas:   1. You Click instantly   Soul group members will feel like they have known each other forever. This has happened many times with different people,… Continue reading

Who/what do we create?

by Sasha Yun If you’re interested in a bit of deep thinking. (If you keep an open mind and truely try understanding the concepts I’m fairly certain you can find some form of enlightenment from this) Take into considerations the concepts of quantum physics.  Particle wave duality: States that all matter… Continue reading

CYMATICS IN WATER – How do vibrations effect the material world?

~ॐ~<ॐ YOUR INTENTIONS SHAPE YOUR WORLD <ॐ~ॐ~ ॐ – Water memory shows how our own intentions can alter the material world. This has been demonstrated by Dr. Masaru Emoto, who has performed studies showing how simple intentions through sound, emotions and thoughts can dramatically shape the way water crystallizes. Through the… Continue reading

What is a Mind Garden? And How does it Help me?

A mind garden is a world you create in your mind that appears as visualized physical illusions but is a representation of your subconscious. –What do I mean by that? -I mean, your feelings and thoughts of the world can be metaphorically visualized. –And by visualizing them, we can change… Continue reading