3 Types of Negative People You Definitely Need to Ignore and Run From.

According to research, people you associate with determinate 95% of your success or failure in life. This is a simple fact of life that some people hold us back while others propel us forward. Truth be told, you can’t expect to hang out with negative people and have a positive… Continue reading

Does Life Have a Purpose?

What do you think the purpose of life is? Does life really need to have a purpose? Couldn’t it be purposeless? We are all looking for the meaning or purpose of life or the meaning of the universe, why are we looking for meaning in anything? Do we really need… Continue reading

17 Inspirational and Spiritual Quotes That Will Make Your Life Better IF Understood

  In this article, we’ve selected 17 inspirational and powerful quotes that we thought will brighten your life. They are surely deep and it takes a minute to sink in to fully realize them.   Never forget that you are what you eat, you are who you’re surrounding yourself with, and you… Continue reading

Always Trust in Your Self & Your Creativity

One of the most important things people need to grasp and understand is that their instinct is more powerful than they are let know it is. This is our message to share. Always Trust Your Self. All the schools and universities are trying to teach creativity, that’s the great thing… Continue reading

How to Discover Your Spirit Animal?

You might have wondered or heard about your spirit animal, perhaps you didn’t know you can discover it yet. But you can inner discover your spirit animal, you need to do what most people don’t these days.  After some research, I have come up with my own ways to discover… Continue reading

Anger is Always Harmful

A carpenter went home after closing his workshop for the day.  While he was gone, a poisonous snaked entered his workshop  The snake was hungry and hoped to find something to eat in the carpenter’s workshop.  It slithered from one end to the other.  Finally, he bumped into an ax… Continue reading

This Will Transform Your Life Completely. Do This Every day for 66 days.

This article will help you understand how you can change your beliefs and accomplish your goals. It will also help you understand how you can create new habits easily. How can you be consistent long enough to form a new habit?        What you first need to do is use intrinsic… Continue reading

Learn How to Control Your Conscious Mind

One of the firsts things you learn when you go to a monastery is to learn how the mind works. Because once you learn that, you can control it, and once you can control your mind you can FOCUS. You cannot focus or concentrate on something you don’t understand. That’s… Continue reading

Control Your Own Thoughts. Take Control back. Simple Technique to Attract Success

We are big believers in thought control, you have to understand and start to control your own thoughts. We have to realize that fear thoughts are actually holding us back, it’s what we dwell on.  Don’t think all the time of what you don’t want to happen, worry is basically… Continue reading

The Amazing Butterfly Effect

Almost 50 years back, an American mathematician and meteorologist named Edward Lorentz came up with a bizarre notion.  A butterfly flapping its wings in Brazil can produce a tornado in Texas, a.k.a the Butterfly Effect. The essence is that small causes can have significant effects.  This concept that was initially… Continue reading

Mystical Experience and 6 Characteristics of it

Mystical experience is something we all experience differently and at different intensity’s It’s something most people can no describe in words the beauty of it, but it’s the moment when you make a connection with the universe and feel that life is full of beauty and sacredness. In ancient time… Continue reading

CONSCIOUSNESS: My Reality Part.1

This is part of my life story; I will go into as many details as possible but most importantly I want to talk about more of my own realization of consciousness and what I actually think and relate to. What you are about to read next is part of me,… Continue reading

4 Reasons Awakening and Anxiety are Linked

You’ve awakened. Are you nervous? For some reason, Spiritual Awakening and anxiety often seem to go hand in hand. Why is this you might ask? Well, there are several factors that come into play which we will discuss briefly. 1.) Awakening causes difficulty fitting in. Before you were awake, it… Continue reading

10 Steps to Enlightenment

Are you trying to attain a higher state of mind? Are you searching for the secret that unlocks the best you there is to be? If so, here are 10 steps that will help you on your journey towards self realization. 1.) Realize you are not your thoughts. Are you… Continue reading