Lucid Dreaming as a Healing Science

Human beings have been dreaming for as long as they have had brains but neurobiologists are yet to understand the meaning and purpose of...

DISCOVERY: Hidden Continent Zealandia (Te Riu-a-Māui) Unveiled! 💥🔥

After 375 years of mystery, the legendary Zealandia, aka Te Riu-a-Māui, has finally been unveiled! This ancient land was once part of the gargantuan...

Quick Guide to Out-of-Body Experiences

According to Frederick Nietzsche, a famous German philosopher, "Either one does not dream, or one does so interestingly. One should learn to spend one's...


Quantum Physics and Spirituality

What is quantum physics? A quantum is the minimum unit of any physical entity involved in an interaction. Quantum theory is a branch of physics which...

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How to Win the Game of Life

The title could also be called “How to evolve the quality of your Consciousness,” but we decided to go with How to win...

How To Reprogram Your Subconscious?

You probably heard of subliminal programming, it has been around since the 1950s, and it is still being used all the time in movies,...

13 Mind-Blowing Facts About Our Dreams

I bet you were not aware about the 13 mind bending facts about dreams, facts you are about to read. Everybody dreams, every human being...

Why Spirituality Doesn’t Work for Most People

The title might seem a bit negative, but the truth is that most people who decide to take the spiritual path, don’t make a...

Motivational and Inspirational Life Lessons

Lesson #1  “My actions are my only true belonging. I cannot escape the consequences of my actions. My actions are the ground on which I...


Utopia United: Geopolitical Social Engineering Firm

Utopia United: Geopolitical Social Engineering Firm How Social Engineering Social-Media Will Save The World Americans are MKUltra'd to be sexual and violent and sexually violent thanks...

How the Universe Impacts the Human Mindset?

The whole universe we live in is created and based on vibrating energy. All around us, there are countless matters and objects carrying a...

10 Steps to Enlightenment

Are you trying to attain a higher state of mind? Are you searching for the secret that unlocks the best you there is to...

5 Ways Which Made Us Slaves of the Matrix, and How To Prevent it?

Being free in the true sense of the word can be quite tricky. To enable yourself just that, you have to learn how to...

Is This Proof That The Soul Exists?

Does the soul exist? Is there any scientific theory of consciousness that could accommodate such a claim?  According to Dr. Stuart Hameroff, a near-death...