I am 32, passionate about spirituality, metaphysics, science and psychology. Life coach, speaker and Law Of Attraction certified practitioner. Lead writer for Quantum World: Awaken Your Mind, I like to travel the world and I am an activist.

13 Mind-Blowing Facts About Our Dreams

I bet you were not aware about the 13 mind bending facts about dreams, facts you are about to read. Everybody dreams, every human being can dream ( except in the case of extreme psychological disorder). If you think you are not dreaming – you forget your dreams.  2. We… Continue reading

Throat Chakra Healing

Throat Chakra is known for the seed of self-expression, of being yourself, of being natural. But sometimes it needs healing.  It sits on the throat, neck, and shoulder area, and it’s the fifth chakra going up.  If you’ve been the kind of person who speaks his truth, speaks his mind,… Continue reading

Why Spirituality Doesn’t Work for Most People

The title might seem a bit negative, but the truth is that most people who decide to take the spiritual path, don’t make a lot of progress or if any at all.  We believe this is for a few reasons. We hope to help everyone reading this article, and if… Continue reading

Looking for Fulfillment in Life? Must Read

We are all looking for fulfillment in our life, but many of us have lost our ways, our path, our journey in the running after something that we shouldn’t run after.  Whether you drive a Volkswagen or you drive a Bentley, the road remains the same, doesn’t it?  Whether you… Continue reading

Motivational and Inspirational Life Lessons

Lesson #1  “My actions are my only true belonging. I cannot escape the consequences of my actions. My actions are the ground on which I stand.”  It is your behavior and actions in this life that are serving as the foundation of our lives in the present moment.  Every action… Continue reading

The Importance of Saying “Sorry”

The three-letter poisonous word which becomes such a challenge to cooperation in any relationship is the big “EGO,” and what a colossal Ego we have.  All relationships have problems, all friendships are not perfect, and most of the fights are because of our Ego.  With spouses, with friends, with parents,… Continue reading

The Life and Journey of Souls

Before we jump into some difficult concepts, we should first be on the same page and explain what we mean when we say “Souls.”  For most of us, the Soul is our spirit, our true selves, our energy, and the part of us that goes on after death.  But, the… Continue reading

7 Warning Signs from the Universe.

“Through our eyes, the Universe is perceiving itself. Through our ears, the Universe is listening to its harmonies. We are the witness through which the universe becomes conscious of its glory, of its magnificence.” – Alan Watts The universe is always talking to us, the Divine flows within and without… Continue reading

Secret Behind the Last Words of a Dying Man

This is a fascinating story with high morale and something we can all learn from. We love life lessons; we love to grow as a person, to connect and communicate. I hope we all learn something.  An older man was on his death bed, surrounded by his family.   As he… Continue reading

The True Meaning of Love

Romantic relationships can be like a deck of cards. They begin with diamonds and hearts and end with clubs and spades.  Love at first sight, and divorce at first fight.  Ever wonder what makes a relationship meaningful, genuine, or lasting forever? Ever wonder what real Love is?  Love is not… Continue reading

5 Life-Changing Things That Will Make Your Life Better and Happier

I love to be happy, and I can’t think of anyone who doesn’t want to be happy or wouldn’t like to be. So, I’ve been looking, how can we be really happy? What makes us feel that peaceful emotion that makes us happy? I have found 5 things that would… Continue reading

Why is Technological Advancement Not Making us any Happier?

Why do you think technological advancement is not making us happy? Shouldn’t our kids be happier with all this technology? Why aren’t we? We will try and give an honest answer.  Technological advancement is not making us happy because it is not the job and the purpose of technological advancement… Continue reading

Heart & Brain Respond to Future Events Before They Happen

Yes, you read that correctly, the heart and the brain responding to future events before they happen. It is called “Precognition”. Multiple experiments have been done with strong evidence to show that precognition is real. There are many examples suggesting that precognition is real.  A program called “remove viewing” is… Continue reading

Highly Intuitive People do These 5 things Differently than all the rest of us.

“Even when we’re not at a fork in the road, wondering what to do and trying to hear that inner voice, our intuition is always there, always reading the situation, always trying to steer us the right way. But can we hear it? Are we paying attention? Are we living… Continue reading

Getting Married? Here are 4 Important Life Skills to know before you do it.

Many of us have met a special someone and it’s the special person you get along with. Because it’s so special you both decide to get married, but it’s not so simple as everyone makes it look,  it takes a lot of effort and hard work from both of you.… Continue reading

3 Ways to Chill Out! Simplify Life

Life itself has complicated enough already, nowadays we also have an abundance of everything, everyone is trying to sell us something and telling us how to live if we don’t meet certain standards we are not doing it right… right?  I’m trying to make life easier using simple steps, often… Continue reading

5 Things to do at Night for a better Morning

Everything we are going to discuss in this article will mainly revolve around the concept of “Decision Fatigue” Roy F. Baumeister gave this term.  He says that “Decision Fatigue is the decline in the quality of decisions that are made by a person after many decisions have been made in… Continue reading


“The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time.”–Jack London- You are probably unaware that you’re wasting your time, it can go on and on without knowing until one day you suddenly… Continue reading

How to Minimize and Quit Drama in your Life. 4 Crucial Steps You Didn’t Know

“When you are not honoring the present moment by allowing it to be, you are creating drama.” ~Eckhart Tolle – I don’t know if this was just me but from the beginning of school drama suddenly started to show up in my life. Everywhere I went or with almost anyone… Continue reading

The “1 Billion Dollar Habit” Can you guess it?

Imagine this. Imagine you have a thought experiment, where you did this every single day, at your willingness. What if the only thing in your life tomorrow is the thing you would express gratitude for today? What if the only things in your life you had, the people, the opportunities,… Continue reading